AN 7.27 / AN iv 24


Non-Decline for Mendicants


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Így készült:

Fordítota: Bhikkhu Sujāto

Forrás: SuttaCentral

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Felhasználás feltételei:

Numbered Discourses 7

3. The Vajji Seven

27. Non-Decline for Mendicants

“Mendicants, I will teach you seven principles that prevent decline. Listen and pay close attention … And what are the seven principles that prevent decline? As long as the mendicants develop the perceptions of impermanence …

not-self … ugliness … drawbacks … giving up … fading away … cessation, they can expect growth, not decline. As long as these seven principles that prevent decline last among the mendicants, and as long as the mendicants are seen following them, they can expect growth, not decline.”

Így készült:

Fordítota: Bhikkhu Sujāto

Forrás: SuttaCentral

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