(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)
veḷuva, 36 találat.
veḷuva →
…for beḷuva, in -laṭṭhikā SN.iii.91, as sometimes variant reading veḷuva for beḷuva (q.v.).
anugāra →
…in the Moranivāpa in Veḷuvana near Rājagaha. He was probably one of the company who was with Sakuludāyi when the Buddha came to visit…
asama →
…once visited the Buddha at Veḷuvana, in the company of Sahali, Ninka, Ākoṭaka, Vetambarī and Mānava-Gāmiya.
They were disciples of…
beluva →
A village near Vesāli, where the Buddha spent his last vassa.
It was at this time that the Buddha, in answer to a question by Ānanda, said that he had kept nothing b …
bhaṇḍu →
…reported to the Buddha at Veḷuvana for disputing with Abhiñjaka, colleague of Anuruddha. The Buddha sent for the disputants and rebuked them…
bhāradvāja →
…joined the Order at Veḷuvana, Sundarika Bhāradvāja on the banks of the Sundarikā, and Bahudhītīka Bhāradvāja in a forest tract in…
bimbisāra →
…hand and dedicated Veḷuvana for the use of him and of his monks. Vin.i.35ff.
It may have been in Veḷuvana that the king built for…
dīghalaṭṭhi →
A devaputta who once visited the Buddha at the Kalandakanivāpa in Veḷuvana and spoke a verse. SN.i.52
gajaṅgala →
…Buddha was staying in the Veḷuvana at Kajangala, the lay followers there heard a sermon from the Buddha and went to the nun Kajaṅgalā to…
gomatakakandarā →
…grotto some distance from Veḷuvana in Rājagaha. Monks coming to Rājagaha from afar were provided with lodging there, and Dabba Mallaputta was…
jayasena →
…the novice Aciravata at Veḷuvana in Rājagaha and asked him to teach the Doctrine. Reluctantly the novice did so, but at the end of the…
kajangala →
…Buddha was staying in the Veḷuvana at Kajangala, the lay followers there heard a sermon from the Buddha and went to the nun Kajaṅgalā to…
kajaṅgalā →
…Buddha was residing in the Veḷuvana there, the inhabitants of the village went to her and asked her to explain in detail what the Buddha had…
kassapakārāma →
…in Rājagaha, probably near Veḷuvana. It was here that Assaji stayed during his last illness, when the Buddha visited him to comfort him….
katamorakatissa →
…as they happened to be at Veḷuvana near by, she expressed great disappointment that these had been invited, when such most eminent disciples as…
kimbila →
…took place in the Veḷuvana in Kimbilā.
Elsewhere SN.v.322f. the Buddha is reported as questioning Kimbila at the same spot on the…
laṭṭhivana →
…of the Buddha as his teacher. It was during this visit that Bimbisāra gifted Veḷuvana to the Buddha and his Order….
mahāmoggallāna →
…to visit the Buddha at Veḷuvana, after an unsuccessful attempt to persuade Sañjaya to accompany them. Sañjaya’s disciples, however, five…
moranivāpa →
A grove in Veḷuvana at Rājagaha. It contained a Paribbājakārāma, the resort of recluses of various denominations. The Udumbarika Sīhanāda,…
moḷiyasīvaka →
…once visited the Buddha at Veḷuvana and questioned him regarding predestination. The Buddha explains to him that suffering arises from various…
nālāgiri →
…on his knees before the Buddha. The Buddha returned to Veḷuvana. Vin.ii.194f.
rājagaha →
…various places besides Veḷuvana, with its Kalandaka-nivāpa vihāra in and around Rājagaha—e.g., Sītavana, Jīvaka’s Ambavana,…
sahali →
…devaputta, follower of Makkhali Gosāla. He visited the Buddha at Veḷuvana, in the company of several other Devas,…
soṇa →
…with the. Buddha at Veḷuvana: one on the impermanence of the body, feelings, etc., their origin and their cessation; SN.iii.48f. and,…
subrahmā →
…He visits the Buddha at Veḷuvana and tells him that his heart is full of dismay. The Buddha replies that the only path out of sorrow is by…
susumāragiri →
…he saw Anuruddha in the Veḷuvana in the Ceti country, pondering over the seven Mahāpurisavitakkas, and appeared before him to encourage him….
uppalavaṇṇā →
…she took it to the Buddha at Veḷuvana. Finding him away on his alms-rounds, she left the meat with Udāyi, who was looking after the vihāra,…
vassakāra →
…he lives, and is told, in Veḷuvana. Vassakāra thinks this a good place for the practice of jhāna, and tells Ānanda of a conversation he…
vetambarī →
…who visited the Buddha at Veḷuvana and spoke of their beliefs. Vetambarī spoke two verses, one condemning asceticism, and the other, which…
veḷuvana →
…the Buddha’s stay at Veḷuvana, Dabba Mallaputta, at his own request, was appointed regulator of lodgings and apportioner of rations….
ākoṭaka →
…who visited the Buddha at Veḷuvana accompanied by Asama, Sahali, Ninka, Vetambarī and Mānava-Gāmiya. Ākoṭaka spoke before the Buddha in…
beluva →
…(of Māra; variant reading veḷuvadaṇḍa-vīṇā); Dhp-a.iii.225 (of P.); Snp-a.393 (variant reading veluva˚) *…
beḷuva →
…(of Māra; variant reading veḷuvadaṇḍa-vīṇā); Dhp-a.iii.225 (of P.); Snp-a.393 (variant reading veluva˚) *…
kalandaka →
…Name of a locality in Veḷuvana, near Rājagaha, where oblations had been made to squirrels DN.ii.116; Vin.i.137; Vin.ii.105 Vin.ii.290, etc.
pabbata →
… ■ The 7 mountains round Veḷuvana are enumerated at Ja.v.38
■ Names of some (real or fictitious) mountains, as found in the Jātaka…
ārāma →
…def. at Dhp-a.iii.246 as Veḷuvana-Jīvak’ ambavan’ ādayo i.e. the park of Veḷuvana, or the park belonging to Jīvaka or mango-groves…