Itivuttaka: The Buddha’s Sayings
The Section of the Twos
45. Living in Seclusion
This was said by the Lord…
“Live enjoying seclusion, bhikkhus; live delighting in seclusion, engage in practising inner mental tranquillity, not neglecting meditation, possessing insight, and frequenting empty places. If you live enjoying seclusion, bhikkhus, … and frequenting empty places, one of two fruits is to be expected: final knowledge here and now or, there being some residual defilement, the state of non-returning.”
Those of peaceful mind, discerning,
Mindful, given to meditation,
Clearly see things rightly
And long not for sensual pleasures.Those peaceful ones, delighting in diligence,
Who see fear in negligence,
Are incapable of falling away
And are close to Nibbāna.