
The Questions of King Milinda – Book 4: The solving of dilemmas – Chapter 1

Ripening insight


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Fordítota: T.W. Rhys Davids

Forrás: SuttaCentral

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The Questions of King Milinda

Book 4: The solving of dilemmas

Chapter 1

4.4. Ripening insight

‘There are eight causes, Nāgasena, of the advance, the ripening of insight. And what are the eight? the advance of years, the growth of reputation, frequent questioning, association with teachers, one’s own reflection, converse with the wise, cultivation of the loveable, and dwelling in a pleasant land. Therefore is it said:

“By growth in reputation, and in years,
By questioning, and by the master’s aid,
By thoughtfulness, and converse with the wise,
By intercourse with men worthy of love,
By residence within a pleasant spot—
By these nine is one’s insight purified.
They who have these, their wisdom grows.”’

Így készült:

Fordítota: T.W. Rhys Davids

Forrás: SuttaCentral

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