
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

abhinivesa, 18 találat.

abhinivesa →


  1. devotion, adherence to, intentness on (loc); inclination (esp. to something bad); insistence, conviction (esp. of what is not true).
  2. extension (in length or width).

abhinivesa →


“settling in”, i.e. wishing for, tendency towards (-˚) inclination, adherence; as adj. liking, loving, being given or inclined to DN.iii.230; MN.i.136, MN.i.251; SN.ii.17; SN.iii.10 SN.iii.13, SN.iii …

anabhinivesa →


non-adherence (to, loc.)

gantha →


Gantha: ‘ties’.;There are 4 ties: the bodily tie kāyagantha of covetousness abhijjhā of ill-will vyāpāda, of clinging to rule and ritual sīlabbata-parāmāsa of dogmatical fanaticism *idam …

abhinivisati →


pp abhiniviṭṭha; cp. also abhinivesa.

abhi + nivisati

adhiṭṭhāna →


…in bad sense with abhinivesa and anusaya, obstinacy, prejudice and bias MN.i.136; MN.iii.31,…

anusaya →


(see Kvu trsl. 234 n. 2 and Cpd. 172 n. 2). Bent, bias proclivity, the persistance of a dormant or latent disposition predisposition, tendency. Always in bad sense. In the oldest texts the word usuall …

gantha →


(in BB often misspelt gandha)

  1. a bond, fetter, trammel; always fig. and usually referring to and enumerated as the four bodily ties, or knots (kāya˚, see under kāya): SN.v.59 = Dh …

gāha →


…views) with paṭiggāha & abhinivesa Cnd.271#iii (on lepa); Pp.22; Dhs.381 (= obsession like the grip of a crocodile Dhs-a.253), Dhs.1003;…

ida →


Ida & Idaṃ

indeclinable emphatic demonstr. adv. in local, temporal & modal function, as

  1. in this, here: idappaccayatā having its foundation in this, i.e. causally connec …

idaṃ →


Ida & Idaṃ

indeclinable emphatic demonstr. adv. in local, temporal & modal function, as

  1. in this, here: idappaccayatā having its foundation in this, i.e. causally connec …

kata →


(& sometimes; kaṭa) done, worked, made. Extremely rare as v. trs. in the common meaning of E. make, Ger. machen, or Fr. faire (see the cognate kapp and jan, also uppajjati & viss …

kāya →


group, heap, collection, aggregate, body

Definitions and synonyms

Snp-a.31 gives the foll. synonyms and similes of kāya: kuṭī, guhā (Snp.772), deha, sandeha (Dhp.148 = Thag.20), nāvā (Dhp.3 …

nivesa →


  1. entering, stopping, settling down; house, abode Vv.8#2 (= nivesanāni kacchantarāni Vv-a.50).
  2. = nivesana 2, in diṭṭhi˚; Snp.785 (= idaṃ-sacchâbhinivesa-sankhātāni diṭṭhi-nivesanāni Snp-a.5 …

parāmāsa →


…is almost synonymous with abhinivesa; see kāyagantha (under gantha), and cp. Cnd.227 (gāha p abhinivesa) and Nd ii.under…

sacca →


adjective real, true DN.i.182; MN.ii.169; MN.iii.207; Dhp.408; nt. saccaṃ truly, verily, certainly Mil.120; saccaṃ kira is it really true? DN.i.113; Vin.i.45, Vin.i.60; Ja.i.107; saccato truly S …

sakkāya →


…of four sorts of bias (see abhinivesa) concerning each of the five khandhas we have twenty kinds of s˚ diṭṭhi:…

taṇhā →


(lit.) drought, thirst; (fig.) craving, hunger for, excitement the fever of unsatisfied longing (c. loc.: kabaḷinkāre āhāre “thirst” for solid food SN.ii.101 sq.; cīvare piṇḍapāte taṇhā = greed for Sn …