
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

japati, 25 találat.

japati →


whispers, mutters (esp. prayers or spells); rehearses or recites (the Vedas) to oneself.

japati →


(& jappati Dhtp.189, also ja pp.190 = vacane; sound-root jap) to mumble, whisper, utter, recite Ja.iv.204; Pv.ii.6#1 (= vippalapati Pv-a.94); Pv-a.97 ppr. jappaṃ SN.i.166 (palāpaṃ); Ja.iv.75. See …

inda →



Given in the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta as the name of the ninety-one sons of Dhataraṭṭha, king of the Gandhabbas. They are represented as being of great strength and followers of the Buddha. …

kapilavatthu →


A city near the Himalaya, capital of the Sākiyan republic. The administration and judicial business of the city and all other matters of importance were discussed and decided in the Santhāgārasālā. DN …

kūṭāgārasālā →


A hall in the Mahāvana near Vesāli. The Buddha stayed there on several occasions, and in the books are found records of various eminent persons who visited him there and of his conversations with them …

mahāpajāpatī →


Mahāpajāpatī GotamīPajāpatī

An eminent bhikkhunī and the step-mother of the Buddha. She raised the Buddha as her own child after the death of his mother.

She is chiefly remembered as the first bhik …

nigrodhārāma →



A grove near Kapilavatthu, where a residence was provided for the Buddha. Vin.i.82 There Mahāpajāpati Gotamī first asked permission for women to enter the Order. This was ref …

pajāpati →


One of the kings of the devas, mentioned with Sakka, Varuṇa, Isāna, etc. MN.i.2 SN.i.219 DN.i.244 DN.ii.274

He is sometimes mentioned with Brahmā, as distinct from him. MN.i.140 MN.i.327 MN.i.329

In …

soma →


A deva to whom sacrifice is offered; he is generally mentioned with Varuṇa, Pajāpati and Yama. DN.i.244 DN.ii.259

In the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta DN.iii.204 he is spoken of as a Yakkha chief.

suddhodana →


A Sākiyan Rājā of Kapilavatthu and father of Gotama Buddha.

Māyā was his chief consort, and, after her death her sister Pajāpatī was raised to her position.

Nanda was Suddhodana’s son by Mahā Pajāp …

varuṇa →


A king of the devas, mentioned as the companion of Sakka, Pajāpati and Isāna. In battle against the Asuras, the devas of Tāvatiṃsā were asked to look upon the banner of Varuṇa in order to have all the …

vesāli →


A city, capital of the Licchavis. It is not possible to know how many visits were paid by the Buddha to Vesāli, but the books would lead us to infer that they were several. Various Vinaya rules are me …

īsāna →


One of the chief devas.

In the Tevijja Sutta DN.i.244 he is mentioned with Indra, Soma, Varuṇa, Pajāpati and Brahmā, as being invoked by the brahmins.

He was in the battle of the devas against the A …

japeti →


of japati

abhijappana →


…up or wring his hands DN.i.11; DN-a.i.97.

doubtful whether to jappati or to japati to mumble, to which belongs jappana in kaṇṃa˚ DN-a.i.97

bhūta →


grown, become; born, produced; nature as the result of becoming. The (exegetical) definition by Bdhgh of the word bhūta is interesting. He (at MN-a.i.31) distinguishes the foll. 7 …

deva →


god, a divine being; usually in pl. devā the gods. As title attributed to any superhuman being or beings regarded to be in certain respects above the human level. Thus primarily (see 1a) …

japa →


…studying Ja.iii.114 (= ajjhena).

fr. japati

japana →


(sic. DN-a.i.97, otherwise jappana) whispering, mumbling (see japati), in kaṇṇa˚. See also pari˚.

jappati →


…to jalp, Sk. jalpati (= japati), but in the meaning of desire, etc., for cappati to capp as in cappeti = Sk, carvayati to chew, suck, be…

pajāpati →



  1. (adj.) together with his wife Vin.i.23, Vin.i.342; Vin.iv.62; Ja.i.345; Pv-a.20. (m.) Prajāpati (Np.), the supreme Lord of men, only mentioned in one formula together with Inda & Brahmā, …

parijapana →


mumbling, uttering spells Mil.356 (mantaṃ).

fr. parijapati

parijapati →


to mutter (spells), to practise divination Ja.iii.530; Mil.200 (vijjaṃ).

pari + japati, cp. BSk. parijapta enchanted Divy.397

sapajāpatika →



  1. with Pajāpati. The passage under pajāpati 1 was distorted through copyist’s default. It should read: “only in one formula, with Inda Brahmā, viz. devā sa-indakā sa …

ya →



I. Forms

(See inflection also at Geiger, P.Gr. § 110.) The decl. is similar to that of ta˚ among the more rarely found forms we only mention the foll.
■ sg. nom. m. *[yo](/define/y …