
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

ahaṃ, 19 találat.

ajapālanigrodha →


A banyan tree in Uruvelā, on the banks of the Nerañjara, near the Bodhi tree. A week after the Enlightenment the Buddha went there and spent a week cross-legged at the foot of the tree. There he met …

andhakavinda →


A village in the Māgadha country, three gāvuta from Rājagaha. Between it and Rājagaha is the river Sappinī, which rises in the Gijjhakūṭa. Vin.i.109 Once the Buddha went from Benares to Andhakavinda w …

aṅgulimāla →



A robber and murderer who was converted by the Buddha in the twentieth year of his ministry, and who later became an arahant. MN86

As a result of his deeds whole …

brahmadeva →


The son of a brahmin woman. Having joined the Order, he dwelt in solitude and became an arahant. One day he went to Sāvatthī for alms, and, in due course, arrived at his mother’s house. She was in the …

gijjhakūṭa →


GijjhakūṭaVulture’s Peak

One of the five hills encircling Rājagaha. It was evidently a favourite resort of those who followed the religious life.

The Buddha seems to have been attracted by its solit …

kapilavatthu →


A city near the Himalaya, capital of the Sākiyan republic. The administration and judicial business of the city and all other matters of importance were discussed and decided in the Santhāgārasālā. DN …

lomahaṃsa →


A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in a nominal list. MN.iii.70

mahāmoggallāna →



The second of the Chief Disciples of the Buddha. He and Sāriputta went forth as disciples of Sañjaya. After some time, Sāriputta, wandering about in Rājagaha, met Assaj …

māgadha →


One of the four chief kingdoms of India at the time of the Buddha, the others being Kosala, the kingdom of the Vaṃsas and Avanti. Māgadha formed one of the sixteen Mahājanapadas and had its capital at …

māluṅkyāputta →



The Theragāthā contains two sets of verses attributed to him. One set speaks of the dangers of craving and encourages effort. Thag.399–404 The second set speaks …

māyā →



The mother of the Buddha, and wife of Suddhodana of the Sakyan clan. DN.ii.52 Thag.534 Thig.162 She died seven days after giving birth to the Buddha in Lumbinī. An elaborate account of t …

pañcakaṅga →


The carpenter of Pasenadi, king of Kosala. He was a devoted follower of the Buddha and loved discussion.

The Bahuvedanīya Sutta MN.i.396ff. SN.iv.223f. is based on a discussion between him and Ma …

sahampati →


A Mahābrahmā. When the Buddha was at the Ajapālanigrodha, hesitating as to whether or not he should preach the Dhamma, Sahampati appeared before him and begged of him to open to the world the doors of …

sāriputta →



The chief disciple of Gotama- Buddha. He is also called Upatissa, which was evidently his personal name. MN.i.150 Sāriputta was a great friend of Mahāmoggallāna. After going forth together …

uggaha →



The grandson of the banker Meṇḍaka; he lived in Bhaddiya. Once when the Buddha was staying in the Jātiyāvana at Bhaddiya, Uggaha invited him and three monks to a meal at his house. …

uggāhamāna →



A Paribbājaka. Once when he was staying near Sāvatthī in Mallikā’s pleasance at the Samayappavādaka hall, the carpenter, Pañcakaṅga, on his way to see t …

uruvelā →



A locality on the banks of the Nerañjara, in the neighbourhood of the Bodhi-tree at Buddhagayā. MN.i.166 The place chosen by the Bodhisatta for his penances was calle …

vassakāra →


A brahmin, chief minister of Ajātasattu. He and Sunidha were in charge of the fortifications of Pāṭaligāma, built against the Vajjī. Vin.i.228 Ud.viii.6 DN.ii.72ff.

At Ajātasattu’s suggestion, Vass …

āḷārakālāma →



One of the two teachers to whom Gotama, after his renunciation, first attached himself, the other being Uddaka Rāmaputta. In the Ariyaparivesāna Sutta MN.i.163–165; also M.i.24 …