
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

ahi, 32 találat.

ahiṃsakabhāradvāja →



One of the Bhāradvāja brothers. He came to the Buddha at Sāvatthī and the Buddha suggested to him…

anuruddha →


First cousin of the Buddha and one of his most eminent disciples. He was the son of the Sākyan Amitodana and brother of Mahānāma. When members of other Sākyan families had joined the Order of their di …

avanti →


One of the four great monarchies in the time of the Buddha, the other three being Māgadha, Kosala and Vaṃsa (or Vatsa). Avanti is also mentioned among the sixteen Great Nations. AN.i.213 AN.iv.252 AN. …

aṅgulimāla →



A robber and murderer who was converted by the Buddha in the twentieth year of his ministry, and who later…

aṅguttarāpa →


A country north of the river Mahī, evidently a part of Aṅga on the other side of that river .

It was here, in the village Āpaṇa, that the Buddha was staying when the Jaṭila Keṇiya came to see him; he …

bhāradvāja →


…and became arahants; viz., Ahiṃsaka Bhāradvāja, Jaṭā Bhāradvāja and Suddhika Bhāradvāja; Aggika Bhāradvāja joined the Order at…

bāhiya →



As an ascetic, he came himself to believe that he had attained arahantship, but a devatā, reading his thoughts and wishing him well, pointed out to him his error and ad …

bāvarī →


A brahmin ascetic who went from Sāvatthī to Dakkhiṇāpatha and lived on the banks of the Godhāvarī in a hermitage which lay half in the territory of Assaka and half in that of Alaka.

He received the r …

devahita →


…Upavāna obtained from Devahita hot water and molasses, which he sent on a pingo by a serving man. Hot fomentations and the administering of…

dhaniya →



A herdsman living on the bank of the river Mahī. One day, while he was in this house, having finished his preparations for the approach of the rains, he sat meditating on h …

ekapuṇḍarīka →



A monastery of the wanderers, the residence of Vacchagotta. MN.i.481f. It was near the Kūṭāgārasālā in the Mahāvana of Vesāli. The Buddha went there to see Vacchagotta, and …

gonaddha →


One of the places passed by Bāvarī’s disciples on their way from Bāvarī’s hermitage to see the Buddha at Rājagaha.

Between Gonaddha and their starting place lay Patitthāna, Māhissati and Ujjeni, an …

himavā →



The Himālaya mountains. In Himavā, are seven great lakes, each fifty leagues in length, breadth and…

inda →


…Isāna, Pajāpati, Brahmā, Mahiddi and Yāma, as a god whom brahmins invoke and pray to, for union with Brahma after death. In another place, he is…

jatilagāhī →


The name given to a bhikkhunī, who, so Ānanda tells Udāyī, came to see him at the Añjanavana in Sāketā. The nun asked him for what purpose the Buddha requested that samādhi should be practised and Āna …

kosambī →


…whole route is given from Mahissati to Rājagaha, passing through Kosambī, the halting-places mentioned being Ujjeni, Gonaddha, Vedisa,…

mahesā →



A city in the Buddha’s day, mentioned as lying on the route from Bāvari’s hermitage to Sāvatthī. Snp.1011

According to the Mahāgovinda Sutta DN.ii.220.ff. it was the capital of Ava …

mahisavatthu →


A place on the Saṅkheyya Mountain where Uttara is said to have stayed, in Dhavajālika vihāra. AN.iv.162

on the Saṅkheyya Mountain in Dhavajālika vihāra.3monastery

mahī →


One of the five great rivers of India, all of which have a common origin Vin.ii.237 AN.iv.101 AN.v.22 SN.ii.135 SN.v.38


nāga →


…royal families of Nāgas (Ahirājakulāni): Virūpakkha, Erāpatha, Chabyāputta and Kaṇhāgotamaka. The enmity between the Nāgas and the…

pañcanadī →



In several places in the texts five rivers are mentioned as the five great rivers of India, and they are used in various similes and metaphors. These rivers are: Gaṅgā, Yamunā, …

reṇu →


Son and successor of King Disampati. On the death of his father Reṇu, with the advice and co operation of his chief steward Jotipāla, who was also his great friend, divided his kingdom into seven part …

rājagaha →


A city, the capital of Māgadha.

The place was called Giribbaja (mountain stronghold) because it was surrounded by five hills—Paṇḍava, Gijjhakūṭa, Vebhāra, Isigili and Vepulla. It is said MN.iii.68 th …

sāketa →


A town in Kosala. It was regarded in the Buddha’s time as one of the six great cities of India, the others being Campā, Rājagaha, Sāvatthī, Kosambī and Benares. DN.ii.146 In the Vinaya Vin.i.253 howev …

ujjenī →


The capital of Avanti. In the Buddha’s time, Caṇḍapajjota Vin.i.276 was king of Ujjenī and there was friendly intercourse between that city and Māgadha, whose king was Seniya Bimbisāra. After Bimbisār …

upavāna →


…help of his lay-friend Devahita, obtained hot water and suitable medicines, with which the ailment was healed; the Buddha, thereupon, expressed…

uttarāpa →


The name given to the region to the north of the river Mahī. See also Aṅguttarāpa.


vajjiyamāhita →


A householder of Campā, a devout and skilled follower of the Buddha. Once, when on his way to see the Buddha at Gaggarā Lake, he found he had arrived too early and went into the Paribbājakārāma near b …

varuṇa →


…Isāna, Pajāpati, Yamaand Mahiddhi, as the gods invoked by brahmins.

In the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta DN.iii.204 he is mentioned with Indra and…

vaṭajālikāyaṃ →


…on Sankheyyaka mountain in Mahisa country. A monk, named Uttara, once lived there and was visited by Sakka. AN.iv.162ff.

Sankheyyaka mountain in…

vedisa →


…home of Devī, mother of Mahinda. He and Sanghamittā were born there, and, just before he left for Ceylon, he went there to visit his mother and…

vessabhū →


King of Avanti in the time of Reṇu. His capital was Māhissatī. DN.ii.236