(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)
gijjha, 19 találat.
abhaya →
…having visited the Buddha at Gijjhakūṭa and discussed with him the views of Pūraṇa Kassapa. The Buddha teaches him about the seven…
andhakavinda →
…Sappinī, which rises in the Gijjhakūṭa. Vin.i.109 Once the Buddha went from Benares to Andhakavinda with 1,250 monks, and many people followed…
channa →
…monk. He once stayed at Gijjhakūṭa, dangerously ill and suffering much pain. He was visited by Sāriputta and Mahā Cunda, and when they…
cittā →
A nun whose Therīgāthāspeak of how in her old age she went to Gijjhakūṭa and there, after meditation, she attained arahantship. Thig.27–28
dantikā →
…during her meditation on Gijjhakūṭa, she saw how a well tamed elephant obeyed its master’s commands, and developing insight on this theme,…
devadatta →
…was walking on the slopes of Gijjhakūṭa, he hurled down on him a great rock. Two peaks sprang up from the ground, thereby arresting its rushing…
gijjhakūṭa →
…accommodation for them in Gijjhakūṭa, in order to test his capabilities. Vin.ii.76
Mention is made of several eminent monks who stayed at…
isigili →
…Paṇḍava, Vepulla and Gijjhakūṭa—had changed their old names, Isigili retained its former name and designation.
Five hundred Pacceka…
lakkhaṇa →
…with Mahā Moggallāna on Gijjhakūṭa. Once, when they were going down to Rājagaha for alms, Lakkhaṇa noticed that at a certain spot…
maddakucchi →
…Rājagaha, at the foot of Gijjhakūṭa. It was a preserve where deer and game could dwell in safety. When Devadatta, wishing to kill the Buddha,…
mettiyabhummajakā →
…day, while descending from Gijjhakūṭa, the Mettiyabhummajakā monks saw a heifer with a she goat and the idea occurred to them of calling the…
māra →
…ugly, making the rocks of Gijjhakūṭa fall with a crash; by making him wonder whether he should ever sleep; by suggesting that, as human life…
rājagaha →
…by five hills—Paṇḍava, Gijjhakūṭa, Vebhāra, Isigili and Vepulla. It is said MN.iii.68 that these hills, with the exception of Isigili,…
sajjha →
…which an arahant monk cannot possibly transgress….
sutavā →
…in a nominal list. MN.iii.69
A wanderer who visited the Buddha on Gijjhakūṭa and questioned him regarding the description…
sāgata →
…went to visit the Buddha at Gijjhakūṭa, were very impressed by his iddhi, so much so that even while the Buddha was preaching they could not…
sūkarakha →
…cave on the side of Gijjhakūṭa, where the Buddha stayed. There he preached the Dīghanakha Sutta to Dīghanakha. Sāriputta was also…
upaka →
…once visited the Buddha at Gijjhakūṭa and stated before him his view that whoever starts abusive talk of another, without being able to make…
vakkali →
…Isigili. The Buddha was on Gijjhakūṭa and was told by two devas that Vakkali was about to “obtain release.” The Buddha sent word to him—…