
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

samukka������ha, 40 találat.

sakka →


…always spoken of as chief of the devas. The Saṃyutta Nikāya SN.i.229 contains…

sanaṅkumāra →


…the teachings of the Buddha, have been born in the deva worlds. When Sanaṅkumāra has finished his address, Vessavaṇa wonders if there have…

vejayanta →


…and rock. MN.i.252f. Thag.1194–1197.

When the Buddha visited Tāvatiṃsā with Nanda, Sakka was in the palace with his pink-footed…

susīma →


…He thereupon sought the Buddha to have the matter explained. The Buddha asked him many questions, and made him realize the truth of their…

vepacitti →


…and foot, to Sakka in the Sudhamma hall. There Vepacitti reviled and railed at Sakka with scurrilous words, both on entering and on leaving the…

mahāmoggallāna →


…in solemn conclave in the Sudhamma-Hall in the Brahma world and made him confess his conviction that his earlier views were erroneous. Thag.1198…

yakkha →


…at will.

Sometimes the Yakkhas have been degraded to the state of red eyed cannibal ogres. The female Yakkhas (Yakkhinī) are, in these cases,…

mātali →


…Mātali of the present age had a son, Sikhandhi, with whom Bhaddā Suriyavaccasā, daughter of Timbarū, was in love; but later she transferred…

pippaliguhā →


…cave near Rājagaha, evidently a favourite haunt of Mahā Kassapa. Once when he lay there grievously ill, the Buddha visited him and…

suppabuddha →


…that no power in the world would change Suppabuddha. Soon after, Suppabuddha visited the Buddha, and, having worshipped him, was on his way to the…

suppatiṭṭhita →


…warned him to keep the Rukkhadhamma, which was that various people take and make use of various parts of a tree; it is not for the deva of the…

magha →


…man in Macalagāma in Māgadha.

Magha took upon himself seven vows, which brought him birth as Sakka: to maintain his parents, to revere his…

suvīra →


…was very lazy about it. This happened three times. Sakka admonished him after the third time on the evils of laziness.

The Buddha related the story…

tidivādhibhū →


A name given to Sakka.

salaḷāgāra →


…waiting on him. Sakka therefore left a message with her.DN.ii.270 Anuruddha is also mentioned as having stayed there….

sahampati →


…a verse in praise of the Buddha. Sahampati then added another verse, exhorting the Buddha to preach the Doctrine, as there were those who would…

purindada →


A name for Sakka, because, as a human being, he bestowed gifts from town to town. SN.i.229

vasū →


A class of devas of whom Sakka is the chief. DN.ii.260

bhuñjatī →


…found the Buddha engaged in meditation, Bhuñjatī waiting on him and worshipping him with clasped hands. Sakka asked her to salute the Buddha in…

gandhabbā →


…in solitude. The Buddha says that beings are born among the Gandhabakāyikā devā because they wish to be so; they are described as…

inda →


…other gods in the Assembly Hall, named Sudhamma. Two of his companions, having listened to the admonition of Gopaka, became disciples of the…

kosiya →


…and by Mahā Kassapa. Ud.iii.7


A monk whose Theragāthā verses emphasize the importance of listening to a teacher and…

veroca →


…with Sakka to visit the Buddha during his siesta. They waited upon the Buddha, leaning against a doorpost, and each uttered two stanzas on the…

ambasaṇḍā →


…where the Sakkapañha Sutta was preached. On the occasion of the preaching, as Sakka with his retinue came to visit the Buddha, the…

akaniṭṭhā →


…had lived under various Buddhas.

In the Sakkapañha Sutta. DN.ii.286 Sakka speaks of them as the highest devas, and expresses his satisfaction…

dhamma →



The palace built by Vissakamma for Mahāsudassana, by order of Sakka. DN.ii.180ff.


The lake in…

vaṭajālikāyaṃ →



A monastery on Sankheyyaka mountain in Mahisa country. A monk, named Uttara, once lived there and was visited by…

indasālaguhā →


…Once, when the Buddha was staying there, Sakka visited him and asked him the questions recorded in the Sakkapañha Sutta….

mahāli →


…Licchavi chief, mentioned as having visited the Buddha at the Kūṭāgārasālā to ask if he had seen Sakka SN.i.230 and also to beg information…

pajāpati →


…the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta DN.iii.204 he is mentioned among the Mahāyakkhas, to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in times of danger.

rājagaha →


…Gijjhakūṭa, to find out what his chances of success were. DN.ii.72

After the Buddha’s death, Rājagaha was chosen by the monks, with Mahā…

suriyavaccasā →


…favoured Mātali’s son Sikhaṇḍī.

Later she heard Pañcasikha sing love-songs in her honour, which also contained references to his deep…

tāvatiṃsā →



The second of the six deva-worlds, the first being the Cātummahārājika world. Tāvatiṃsā stands at the top of Mount Sineru. Sakka is king of Tāvatiṃsā.

Tāvatiṃsā was also known …

uruvelākassapa →


…came to inquire what had happened, and they, too, were ordained with their pupils. At Gayāsīsa the Buddha preached to them the Fire…

varuṇa →


…of Varuṇa in order to have all their fears dispelled. SN.i.219

In the Tevijja Sutta. DN.i.244 Varuṇa is mentioned with Indra, Soma,…

vediyaka →


…where the Buddha stayed. The mountain was bathed in radiance when Sakka visited the Buddha on the occasion of the preaching of the Sakkapañha…

gijjhakūṭa →


…the Māgha, Dhammika and Chaḷabhijāti Suttas, the discourse on the seven Aparihānīyadhammā, AN.iv.21f. the…

mahāpurisa →


…legendary beliefs, the Buddha had his own theory of the attributes of a Mahāpurisa as explained in the Mahāpurisa Sutta SN.v.158 and the…

upāli →


…the conduct of any matter that has to be decided, under what conditions should he do so? What qualities should a monk possess in himself before he…

savittha →


…does, and he tells Savittha that he has realized the truth of the Paṭiccasamuppāda by right insight and that, yet, he is not an arahant. He…