(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)
Dhamma, 45 találat.
abhisamaya →
Abhisamaya: ‘breakthrough or penetration to the realization of the truth’, is the full and direct comprehension of the Four Noble Truths by the Stream-winner sotāpanna see: ariya-puggala. In …
adhipaññā-dhamma-vipassanā →
Adhipaññā-dhamma-vipassanā: ‘insight into things based on higher understanding’, is one of the 18 chief kinds of insight see: vipassanā.
akuppa-dhamma →
Akuppa-dhamma: The unshakeable state; is that of one who has attained full mastery over the absorptions jhāna. In Pug. 4 it is said: What…
anattā →
…of Stream-entry is called a Dhamma-devotee dhammānusāri see: ariya-puggala, at the next two stages of sainthood he becomes a…
anicca →
…also subject to ceasing see: Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, see: S. XLVI, 11. In his last exhortation, before his Parinibbāna, the Buddha reminded…
anicca-saññā →
…refuge in the Buddha, his Dhamma-Teaching and the Sangha Community of Bhikkhus; or with a faithful heart observes the rules of morality, or…
anussati →
…understanding of the law of Dhamma, and attains to joy through the law of Dhamma. In the joyous one rapture arises. With heart enraptured, his…
aparihāna-dhamma →
Aparihāna-dhamma: ‘incapable of relapse’, or ‘of falling away’, namely, with regard to deliverance from some or all mental chains of existence…
aparihāniya-dhamma →
Aparihāniya-dhamma: ‘conditions of welfare’ lit. of non-decline, for a nation. Seven such conditions are mentioned in the Mahā-Parinibbāna…
ariya-puggala →
5: The Dhamma-devotee dhammānusārī,
6: The vision-attainer ditthippatta,
7: The one liberated by…
asankhārika-citta →
…An Abhidhamma term signifying a ’state of consciousness arisen spontaneously, i. e. without previous deliberation,…
atta-kilamatha →
…the Buddha’s first sermon, The Establishment of the Realm of Dhamma: Dhamma-cakkappavattana-Sutta.
bhavanga-sota →
…is explained in the Abhidhamma commentaries as the foundation or condition kārana of existence bhava, as the sine, qua of life, having…
bhāvanā →
…Sutta, as well as in the Abhidhamma.
Tranquillity samatha is the concentrated, unshaken, peaceful, and therefore undefiled state of mind, whilst…
bodhi →
Bodhi: from verbal root budhi to awaken, to understand: awakening, enlightenment, supreme knowledge. Through Bodhi one awakens from the slumber or stupor inflicted upon the mind by the defilemen …
bodhipakkhiya-dhammā →
Bodhipakkhiya-dhammā: The 37 ‘things pertaining to enlightenment’, or ‘requisites of enlightenment’ comprise the entire doctrines of the Buddha. They are:
the 4 foundations of awarenes …
bojjhanga →
…in the 2nd factor, dhamma - vicaya the word dhamma is taken by most translators to stand for the Buddhist doctrine, it probably…
cakka →
…the Buddha’s first sermon, Dhamma-cakkappavattana Sutta see: dhamma-cakka.
Another figurative meaning of C. is ‘blessing’. There are 4 such…
cetasika →
…see: khandha the Abhidhamma as a rule treats them under the more philosophical 3 aspects: consciousness, mental properties and materiality…
chanda →
…Tab. II taught in the Abhidhamma, the moral quality of which is determined by the character of the intention cetanā associated therewith. The…
fixity →
Fixity: see: niyama tathatā dhamma-tthiti-ñāna
hadaya-vatthu →
…however, even in the Abhidhamma Pitaka, no such base is ever localized, a fact which seems to have first been discovered by Shwe Zan Aung…
hasituppāda-citta →
…smile, is found in the Abhidhammattha Sangaha as a name for the joyful mind-consciousness element manoviññāna - dhātu Tab. I. 72 arising…
hetu →
…condition, reason; Abhidhamma root-condition. In sutta usage it is almost synonymous with paccaya ‘condition’, and often occurs together…
indriya →
…Suttas as well as in the Abhidhamma. They are:
6 Bases āyatana:
- eye: cakkhu
- ear: sota
- nose: ghāna
inference of meaning →
…‘expression with an established meaning’: nītattha-dhamma see: neyyattha-dhamma
investigation →
…and one of the 4 predominants adhipati s paccaya 3. - i. of truth: dhamma - vicaya is one of the 7 factors of enlightenment…
jhāna →
In the Abhidhamma, generally a fivefold instead of a fourfold division of the fine-material absorptions is used: the 2nd…
paccaya →
…the last book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka comprising 6 large vols. in the Siamese edition, these 24 modes of conditionality are enumerated and…
padhāna →
…investigation of the law dhamma - vicaya energy viriya rapture pīti tranquillity passaddhi concentraton samādhi equanimity…
papañca →
…A. VIII, 30 has:,This Dhamma is for one who delights in non-diffuseness the unworldly, Nibbāna; it is not for him who delights in…
paramattha →
…characteristics of the Abhidhamma Pitaka, in distinction from most of the Sutta Pitaka, that it does not employ conventional language, but deals…
parihāna-dhamma →
Parihāna-dhamma: ‘liable to decline’.;Now, someone reaches the attainments absorptions: jhāna of the fine-material or immaterial sphere…
paticcasamuppāda →
…And further M. 28: ’Whoso understands the dependent origination understands the Dhamma; and whoso understands the Dhamma understands the…
patisambhidā →
…knowledge’ of the law dhamma - patisambhidā The knowledge of the cause is the ‘analytical knowledge’ of the law dhamma -…
pativedha →
…of the truth of the Dhamma, as distinguished from the mere acquisition of its wording pariyatti or the practice patipatti of it, in…
pūjā →
…of worship: in a material way āmisa - pūjā and through practice of the Dhamma dhamma - pūjā The worship through practice of the…
tanhā →
…rasa-, photthabba-, dhamma-tanhā* M. 9; D. 15
Corresponding to the 3-fold existence, there are 3 kinds: craving for sensual existence…
ti-pitaka →
…Sutta Pitaka and the Basket ot Philosophy Abhidhamma Pitaka.
ti-ratana →
…things, are the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Noble Sangha.’ i.e.: the Enlightened One; the law of deliverance discovered, realized and proclaimed by…
ti-sarana →
…saranam gacchāmi
Dhammam saranam gacchāmi
Sangham saranam gacchāmiI take refuge in the Buddha!
I take refuge…
ākāsa →
…According to Abhidhamma philosophy, endless space has no objective reality being purely conceptual, which is indicated by the fact that…
ānantariya →
…According to the Abhidhamma, this path -moment of the Stream-enterer sotāpanna & the other Nobles is generated by the insight into the…
ārammana →
Ārammana: Object. There are six: visible object, sound, odour, taste, body-contact, mental-object. The mental-object dhammārammana may be physical or mental, past, present or future, real or …
āyatana →
…‘mental-object-element’ dhamma-dhātu, dhātu II-17 and dhammārammana see: ārammana. It may be physical or mental, past, present or…