
(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)

bhavana, 11 találat.

bhāvanā →


Bhāvanā: ‘mental development’ lit. ‘calling into existence, producing’ is what in English is generally but rather vaguely called ‘meditation’. One has to distinguish 2 kinds: development of tranqu …

association →


Association: sampayutta-paccaya is one of the 24 conditional relations paccaya. *

Asubha:* Impurity, loathsomeness, foulness, disgust. - In Vis.M VI, it is the cemetery contemplations * …

bhāvanā-bala →


Bhāvanā-bala: see: patisankhāna-bala

bhāvanā-maya-paññā →


Bhāvanā-maya-paññā: understanding based on mental development’; see: paññā

brahma-vihāra →


Brahma-vihāra: the 4 ‘sublime’ or ‘divine abodes’, also called the 4 Infinite states appamaññā are: loving-kindness mettā Pity karunā, altruistic or sympathetic joy muditā equanimity *up …

jhāna →


Jhāna: ‘absorption’ meditation refers chiefly to the four meditative absorptions of the fine-material sphere rūpa-jjhāna or rūpāvacara - jjhāna avacara They are achieved through the att …

padhāna →


Padhāna: ‘effort.’ The 4 right efforts samma - padhāna forming the 6th stage of the 8-fold path i.e. sammā - vāyāma see: magga are: 1 the effort to avoid samvara-padhāna 2 to overc …

patisankhāna-bala →


Patisankhāna-bala: and Bhāvanā-bala: ‘power of reflection’, and ‘power of mental development’. About these 2 powers it is said in A. II, 10:

What, o Bhikkhus, is the power of reflection? If …

paññā →


Paññā: ‘understanding, knowledge, understanding, insight’, comprises a very wide field. The specific Buddhist knowledge or understanding, however, as part of the Noble 8-fold path magga to deli …

puñña-kiriya-vatthu →


Puñña-kiriya-vatthu: ‘bases of meritorious action’. In the suttas, 3 are mentioned consisting of giving generosity; dāna - maya - p of morality sīla - maya - p and of mental de …

tranquillity →


Tranquillity: of mind: see: samatha, samatha - vipassanā, bhāvanā, bojjhanga - ‘One who has taken t. as his vehicle’: samathayānika