(Letölthető rövid segédanyag: Páli-Magyar Szójegyzék)
nibbána, 273 találat.
nibbāna →
kialvás, ellobbanás
nibbāna →
- the ceasing to burn, going out.
- freedom from care or passion, a sense of bodily well-being; ease, happiness.
- the ceasing to burn, going out (of the fires of passion etc); the ceasing, coming …
nibbana →
- without forest, woodless Ja.ii.358.
- an abstr. fr. nibbāna, see nibbāna I. cp. vana2. Freq. nibbāna as variant reading instead of nibbana without cravin …
nibbāna →
I. Etymology
Although nir + vā “to blow”. (cp. BSk. nirvāṇa) is already in use in the Vedic period (see nibbāpeti), we do not find its distinctive ap …
nibbána →
‘Kialvás, ellobbanás, kioltás’. A buddhista gyakorás célja: a vágyak, a léthez kötődés szomjának teljes megsemmisítése, kioltása, a tökéletes vágytalanság és felszabadultság állapotának elérése. Ez az …
abhibhūta →
Three verses ascribed to Abhibhūta occur in the Theragāthā, addressd to his kinsmen and retainers. Thag.255–257 The second of these verses is elsewhere SN.i.156 attributed to Abhibhū, chief disciple o …
andhavana →
A grove to the south of Sāvatthī, one gāvuta away from the city. It was well guarded and monks and nuns used to resort there in search of solitude. The Bhikkhunī Saṃyutta contains stories of nuns wh …
asoka →
A monk of Ñātikā. Once when the Buddha was staying at Ñātikā in the Giñjakāvasatha, Ānanda mentions to the Buddha that Asoka Thera had died, and asks where he had gone. The Buddha tells him that Asoka …
bhaddiya →
An anāgāmī, one of seven persons who became arahants as soon as they were born in Avihā. SN.i.35 SN.i.60
Chief among monks of aristocratic …
bhaṇḍagāma →
A Vajjian village between Vesāli and Hatthigāma and near the former.
The Buddha visited it during his last tour, and while there he talked to the monks on four conditions, which lead to Nibbāna. DN.i …
campā →
A city in India on the river of the same name; it was the capital of Aṅga and was celebrated for its beautiful lake, the Gaggarā-pokkharaṇī. On its banks was a grove of campaka-trees, well known for …
cāpāla cetiya →
Cāpāla CetiyaCāpālacetiya
A shrine near Vesāli. Here the Buddha, three months before his parinibbāna, definitely decided to accede to the request of Māra that he should die. When he announced this …
dhīrā →
A bhikkhunī whose Therīgāthā verse speaks of the wise one who attains Nibbana. Thig.6
A bhikkhunī whose Therīgāthā verse speaks of how the heroic one overcom …
giñjakāvasatha →
A brick hall at Nādikā. The Buddha stayed there on various occasions during his visits to Nādikā. It was during one of these visits that Ambapāli presented her park to the Buddha and the Order. Vin.i. …
godhika →
A monk whose Theragāthā verse speaks of his delight in meditating while the rain falls on his little hut. Thag.51
According to the Saṃyutta SN.i.120f. account, Godhika lived on the Kāḷasilā in Isig …
hārita →
A Mahā Brahmā who was present at the preaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta, at the head of one hundred thousand other Brahmās. DN.ii.261
A monk whose Theragāthā ve …
jambukhādaka →
A wanderer. The Saṃyutta Nikāya records visits paid by him to Sāriputta at Nālakagāma and discussions between them on various topics, such as nibbāna, arahantship, the āsavas, sakkāya, ignorance, th …
jāṇussoṇi →
A great brahmin, ranking with eminent brahmins such as Caṅkī, Tārukkha, Pokkharasāti and Todeyya. Snp.p.115 He is mentioned as staying in Icchānaṅgala, MN.ii.196 where he evidently took part in the pe …
kakudhā →
Kakudhā Kakuṭṭhā Kakutthā Kukuṭṭhā Kukutthā
A river near Kusinārā in which the Buddha bathed and from which he drank water before entering Kusinārā for his parinibbāna. On its bank was a mango-grove …
kosambī →
The capital of the Vatsas or Vaṃsas. In the time of the Buddha its king was Parantapa, and after him reigned his son Udena. Kosambī was evidently a city of great importance at the time of the Buddha f …
kusinārā →
The capital of the Mallas and the scene of the Buddha’s death. At that time it was a small city, “a branch-township with wattle-and-daub houses in the midst of the jungle,” and Ānanda was, at first …
kāliṅga →
An inhabitant of Ñātika. While staying in Ñātika, at the Giñjakāvasatha, the Buddha tells Ānanda that Kālinga was reborn after death in the Suddhavāsā, and that there he would att …
mahākassapa →
One of the Buddha’s most eminent disciples, chief among those who upheld austere practices. AN.i.23 His personal name was Pippali, but he is usually known by his clan name K …
mallā →
The name of a people and their country.
The country is included in the sixteen Great Nations of the Buddha’s time. The kingdom, at that time, was divided into two parts, having their respective capit …
māra →
Generally regarded as the personification of Death, the Evil One, the Tempter. Sometimes known as the Dark One (Kaṇha). Snp.355 MN.i.377 DN.ii.262 T …
nandiya →
He belonged to a Sākiyan family of Kapilavatthu, and was called Nandiya because his birth brought bliss. He left the world at the same time as Anuruddha, Kimbila and the others, a …
nādikā →
The Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta DN.ii.72ff. gives a list of the places at which the Buddha stopped during his last journey along that road—Ambalaṭṭhikā, Nāḷandā, Pāṭaligāma, Koṭigāma, Nādikā, Vesāli, Bha …
nārada →
A monk, mentioned once as staying at the Ghositārāma in Kosambī, with Musila, Savittha, and Ānanda. In the course of discussion he declares that, though aware of the nature of nibbana, he is not an ar …
pañcālacaṇḍa →
A devaputta who visited the Buddha at Jetavana and uttered a verse to the effect that the man who understands jhāna finds room even among crowding obstacles. The Buddha corrects him, saying that t …
pārāpariya →
A monk whose Theragāthā verses are collected in two sizable groups. The first depicts him meditating in solitude and pondering over the things that one should do to accompish one’s duty and do no harm …
rājagaha →
A city, the capital of Māgadha.
The place was called Giribbaja (mountain stronghold) because it was surrounded by five hills—Paṇḍava, Gijjhakūṭa, Vebhāra, Isigili and Vepulla. It is said MN.iii.68 th …
sakka →
Almost always spoken of as chief of the devas. The Saṃyutta Nikāya SN.i.229 contains a list of his names.
- Maghavā, be …
sumedhā →
She was the daughter of King Koñca of Mantāvatī. Her Therīgāthā verses, of which she has the greatest number of any of the nuns, speak of the emptiness of the home life and the advantages of going for …
susīma →
A devaputta. Once, when Ānanda utters high praise of Sāriputta, Susīma, who is present, reflects on it and confirms all that Ānanda has said. The retinue of Susīma listen enraptu …
sāmaṇḍaka →
A Paribbājaka, mentioned SN.iv.261f. as having visited Sāriputta at Ukkacela and questioned him regarding Nibbāna, and again AN.v.121f. at Nālakagāma, where he que …
tavakaṇṇika →
Tavakaṇṇika, Tavannika, Tavakinnoka
A householder who realised Nibbāna from knowledge of the Tathāgata. He is mentioned in a list of such householders, but nothing further is known of him. AN.iii.451
tavakinnoka →
Tavakaṇṇika, Tavannika, Tavakinnoka
A householder who realised Nibbāna from knowledge of the Tathāgata. He is mentioned in a list of such householders, but nothing further is known of him. AN.iii.451
tavannika →
Tavakaṇṇika, Tavannika, Tavakinnoka
A householder who realised Nibbāna from knowledge of the Tathāgata. He is mentioned in a list of such householders, but nothing further is known of him. AN.iii.451
tuṭṭha →
A lay disciple of Ñātika who died and was reborn in the Suddhāvāsa, there to attain Nibbāna. SN.v.358 DN.ii.92
ukkacelā →
A village in the Vajji country, on the banks of the Ganges, on the road from Rājagaha to Vesāli and near the latter.
Once while Sāriputta was staying there, the Pari …
uruvelā →
A locality on the banks of the Nerañjara, in the neighbourhood of the Bodhi-tree at Buddhagayā. MN.i.166 The place chosen by the Bodhisatta for his penances was calle …
uttamā →
A bhikkhunī whose verses in the Therīgāthā tell of her repeated struggles before realizing awakening. Thig.42–44
A bhikkhunī whose verses in the Therīgāthā tel …
uṇṇābha →
A brahmin. He once visited the Buddha at Sāvatthī and asked him whether the five sense-faculties, which were of different scope and range, had any common ground of resort. The Buddha replies that the …
vacchapāla →
A monk whose Theragāthā verse speaks of the ease of attaining Nibbana for one who practices well. Thag.71
vakkali →
A monk whose Theragāthā verses speak of never relinquishing energy, whether ill or happy, while meditating in the forest. Thag.350–354 The Buddha declared him foremost among those of implicit …
vaṅgīsa →
A monk who was declared foremost in the gift of spontaneous poetic expression. AN.i.24
The Theragāthā contains numerous verses spoken by him on various occasions Thag.1208–1279 SN.i.183ff. Some of …
vāseṭṭha →
An old sage held in high esteem for his knowledge. He was one of the originators of the Vedic mantras. Vin.i.245 DN.i.104 MN.ii.164 MN.ii.200
A clan, proba …
ātumā →
A town that lay between Kusinārā and Sāvatthī. Once the Buddha, with a large company of bhikkhus, visited the town. At that time there dwelt in it a monk who had been ordained late in life and had for …
āḷārakālāma →
One of the two teachers to whom Gotama, after his renunciation, first attached himself, the other being Uddaka Rāmaputta. In the Ariyaparivesāna Sutta MN.i.163–165; also M.i.24 …
parinibbāna →
végső ellobbanás
akata →
not made, not done; not manufactured, not treated, natural; not fashioned; what has not been done; what is not made ( nibbāna)
akataññu →
neg. mfn. ungrateful
mfn. knowing what is not made ( nibbāna)
antarāparinibbāyi →
one who realized nibbāna beforehand (before passing the midpoint of his term life in heaven)
antarāparinibbāyin →
one who realized nibbāna beforehand (before passing the midpoint of his term life in heaven)
anupādisesa →
- (of nibbāna, at death) without any remnant of material support (the result of previous kamma), absolute.
- (of arhats) without any remnant of material support.
- without any trace or infectio …
arahat →
(& f.?) ‘a worthy one’, an arahat; (in Buddhism) one who has realized nibbāna; one in whom the āsavas are destroyed and who is no longer liable to rebirth.
part. pr. mfn.
arahattaphala →
the fruit, the fulfillment of arahatship (i.e. nibbāna)
dhamma →
- how the world of experience works, the processes by which it works and is explained (especially as formulated in cattāri ariyasaccānī and paṭiccasamuppāda), and the possibility and way of transc …
dhuva →
- (mfn.) fixed, firm; constant, lasting; permanent; certain, sure.
- (n.) what is firm or constant and lasting; firmness, constancy, certainty; esp. for nibbāna.
diṭṭhadhammanibbāna →
nibbāna in this life.
diṭṭhipatta →
(one) who has achieved insight; who has achieved (nibbana) through insight.
dukkha →
- (mfn.)
- painful; unpleasant; bringing pain or distress; uneasy, uncomfortable; not what one wants; wrong.
- (used to characterize all experience) unsatisfactory; bringing distress or troub …
nibbānadhātu →
the domain of nibbāna.
nibbānagama →
going, leading to nibbāna.
nibbānagamana →
the going to nibbāna.
nibbānagami →
going to nibbāna.
nibbānagamin →
going to nibbāna.
nibbānaninna →
tending towards nibbāna.
nibbānapabbhāra →
bending, heading towards nibbāna.
nibbānapaṭisaṃyutta →
connected with, concerned with nibbāna.
nibbānapoṇa →
inclining, moving towards nibbāna.
nibbānogadha-gāmi →
leading to a firm footing in nibbāna.
nibbānogadha-gāmin →
leading to a firm footing in nibbāna.
nibbānogadha →
having a firm footing in nibbana; or plunged into, immersed in nibbāna.
sa-upādisesa →
- of nibbāna, during life) accompanied by a residue of material support.
- with a residue of material support, with some holding on to.
- with a trace or infection remaining, l …
tatthaparinibbāyi →
who realizes nibbāna there, in that state.
tatthaparinibbāyin →
who realizes nibbāna there, in that state.
upahaccaparinibbāyi →
who realizes nibbāna in the latter half of his existence in one of the suddhāvāsas
upahaccaparinibbāyin →
who realizes nibbāna in the latter half of his existence in one of the suddhāvāsas
acinteyya →
Acinteyya: lit. ‘That which cannot not be thought of’, the unthinkable, unimaginable, inconceivable, incomprehensible, impenetrable, that which transcends the limits of thinking and over which the …
amata →
Amata: Sanskrit amrta Not to die = Deathlessness, immortality, is a name for Nibbāna the final liberation from the wheel of rebirths samsāra, and therefore also from the ever-repeated death …
anattā →
Anattā: No-self, egolessness, soullessness, impersonality, absence of identity, is the last of the 3 universal characteristics of existence ti-lakkhana. This anattā doctrine, which only is t …
anicca →
Anicca: Impermanent, transient or, as abstract noun, aniccatā impermanence or change is the first of the three universal characteristics of existence tilakkhana, which is easily observable and …
anupādisesa-nibbāna →
Anupādisesa-nibbāna: see Nibbāna & upādi
anāgāmī →
Anāgāmī: T he Non-Returner is a Noble Disciple Ariya-puggala on the 3rd stage of Nobility. There are 5 classes of Non-Returners, as it is said e.g. Pug. 42-46:
A being, through the disappea …
aparihāniya-dhamma →
Aparihāniya-dhamma: ‘conditions of welfare’ lit. of non-decline, for a nation. Seven such conditions are mentioned in the Mahā-Parinibbāna Sutta D. 16. They are followed by five sets of 7, and …
ariya-puggala →
Ariya-puggala: or simply Ariya: Noble Ones, noble persons:
The 8, Ariya = Noble Ones are those who have realized one of the 8 stages of Nobility, i.e. the 4 supra-mundane paths magga …
asankhata →
Asankhata: The Unformed, Unoriginated, Unconditioned, Uncreated & Unconstructed is a name for Nibbāna, the beyond of all becoming and conditionality.
asankhāra-parinibbāyī →
Asankhāra-parinibbāyī: The one reaching Nibbāna without effort, is one of the five classes of Non-Returners anāgāmī
bodhi →
Bodhi: from verbal root budhi to awaken, to understand: awakening, enlightenment, supreme knowledge. Through Bodhi one awakens from the slumber or stupor inflicted upon the mind by the defilemen …
exertion →
Exertion: see padhāna viriya magga 6. - Reaching Nibbāna with or without e.; see: anāgāmi
gotrabhū →
Gotrabhū: lit. ‘who has entered the lineage of the Noble Ones’, i.e. the Matured One.
I. ‘change-of-lineage-Moment’ gotrabhū - citta is the last of the 4 impulse moments javana cf. *viñ …
paccavekkhana-ñāna →
Paccavekkhana-ñāna: ‘retrospective knowledge’, refers to the recollected mental image obtained in concentration, or to any inner experience just passed, as for instance, any absorption jhāna, o …
pacceka-buddha →
Pacceka-buddha: an ‘Solitarily Enlightened One’; or Separately or Individually = pacceka Enlightened One renderings by ‘Silent’ or ‘Private Buddha’ are not very apt. This is a term for an Araha …
pahāna →
Pahāna: ‘overcoming’, abandoning. There are 5 kinds of overcoming: 1 overcoming by repression vikkhambhana-pahāna i.e. the temporary suspension of the 5 hindrances nīvarana during the absorpt …
papañca →
Papañca: Sanskrit prapañca In doctrinal usage, it signifies the expansion, differentiation, ‘diffuseness’ or ‘manifoldness’ of the world; and it may also refer to the ‘phenomenal world’ in gener …
parinibbāna →
Parinibbāna: ‘full Nibbāna’, is a synonym for Nibbāna; this term, therefore, does not refer exclusively to the ceasing of the 5 groups of existence at the death of the Noble One, though often appl …
patisambhidā →
Patisambhidā: ‘analytical knowledge’ or ‘discrimination’, is of 4 kinds: analytical knowledge of the true meaning attha-patisambhidā of the law dhamma - patisambhidā, of language nirutti …
paññā →
Paññā: ‘understanding, knowledge, understanding, insight’, comprises a very wide field. The specific Buddhist knowledge or understanding, however, as part of the Noble 8-fold path magga to deli …
ākāsa →
Ākāsa: ‘space’, is, according to Com., of two kinds: 1. limited space paricchinnākāsa or paricchedākāsa, 2. endless space anantākāsa, i.e. cosmic space.
- Limited space, under th …
abhijāyati →
to beget, produce, effect, attain, in phrase akaṇhaṃ asukkaṃ Nibbānaṃ a. DN.iii.251; AN.iii.384 sq At Snp.214 abhijāyati means “to behave, to be”, cp Snp-a.265 (abhijāyati = bhavati).
abhi + jāyati …
abhikaṅkhati →
to desire after, long for, wish for SN.i.140, SN.i.198 (Nibbānaṃ); Ja.ii.428; Ja.iv.10, Ja.iv.241; Vv-a.38, Vv-a.283; Thag-a.244
pp abhikaṅkhita. Cp. BSk abhikānkṣati, e …
abhipassati →
to have regard for, look for, strive after AN.i.147 (nibbānaṃ); AN.iii.75; Snp.896 (khema˚), Snp.1070 (rattamahā˚) Mnd.308; Cnd.428;
abhi + passati
abhirata →
adjective (-˚) found of, indulging in, finding delight in AN.iv.224 (nekkhamma˚); AN.v.175 (id.) Snp.86 (nibbāna˚), Snp.275 (vihesa˚), Snp.276 (kalaha˚); Ja.v.382 (dāna˚); Pv-a.54 (puññakamma˚), Pv\ …
abhiññā →
feminine Rare in the older texts. It appears in two contexts. Firstly, certain conditions are said to conduce (inter alia) to serenity, to special knowledge (abhiññā), to specia …
accuta →
adjective immoveable; everlasting, eternal; nt. ˚ṃ. Epithet of Nibbāna (see also cuta) AN.iv.295, AN.iv.327; Snp.204, Snp.1086 (= nicca etc. Cnd.12); Dhp.225 (= sassata Dhp-a.iii.32 …
adhigacchati →
to get to, to come into possession of, to acquire, attain, find; fig. to understand DN.i.229 (vivesaṃ) MN.i.140 (anvesaṃ n’ âdhigacchanti do not find); SN.i.22 (nibbānaṃ); SN.ii.278 (id.); AN.i.162 (i …
adhigatavant →
adjective noun one who has found or obtained Vv-a.296 (Nibbānaṃ).
fr. adhigata
aggi →
- fire, flames, sparks; conflagration Vin.ii.120 (fire in bathroom); MN.i.487 (anāhāro nibbuto f. gone out for lack of fuel); SN.iv.185, SN.iv.399 (sa-upādāno jalati provided with fuel blazes …
akuppatā →
“state of not being shaken”, surety, safety; epithet of Nibbāna Thag.364.
abstr. fr. last
amata →
- The drink of the gods, ambrosia, water of immortality, (cp BSk. amṛta-varṣa “rain of Ambrosia” Jtm.221).
- A general conception of a state of durability & non-change a …
anta →
- end, finish, goal SN.iv.368 (of Nibbāna); Snp.467; Ja.ii.159. antaṃ karoti to make an end (of) Snp.283, Snp.512; Dhp.275, cp. antakara, ˚kiriyā
■ loc. ante at the end of, …
anārambha →
that which is without moil and toil Snp.745 (= nibbāna Snp-a.507).
an + ārambha
apalokita →
- asked permission, consulted SN.iii.5.
- (nt.) permission, consent MN.i.337 (Nāgâpalokitaṃ apalokesi).
- (nt.) an epithet of Nibbāna SN.iv.370.
pp. of apaloketi; Sk. avalokita
apavagga →
completion, end, final delivery, Nibbāna; in phrase saggāpavagga Dāvs ii.62; Dāvs iii.75.
Sk. apavarga
appaṭivāṇīya →
adjective not to be obstructed irresistible SN.i.212 (appld. to Nibbāna; Mrs. Rh. D Kindred S. p. 274 trsls. “that source from whence there is no turning back”), Thig.55.
grd. of a + pa …
apāra →
- the near bank of a river Ja.iii.230 (+ atiṇṇaṃ, C. paratīraṃ atiṇṇaṃ).
- (fig.) not the further shore (of life), the world here, i.e. (opp. pāraṃ Nibbāna) Snp.1129, Snp.1130; Cnd.62; Dhp.385 (exp …
arahant →
adjective noun Before Buddhism used as honorific title of high officials like the English ʻHis Worship’; at the rise of Buddhism applied popularly to all ascetics (Dial. iii.3–6). Adopted by the Bu …
arahatta →
neuter the state or condition of an Arahant, i.e. perfection in the Buddhist sense = Nibbāna (SN.iv.151) final & absolute emancipation Arahantship, the attainment of the last & h …
asaṃhīra →
adjective immovable, unconquerable, irrefutable Vin.ii.96; SN.i.193; AN.iv.141 AN.v.71; Snp.1149 (as epithet of Nibbāna, cp. Cnd.110); Ja.i.62; Ja.iv.283 (˚citta unfaltering); Dpvs.iv.12.
= asaṃhāriy …
asaṅkuppa →
adjective not to be shaken; immovable; steady, safe (Ep. of Nibbāna) Snp.1149 (cp. Cnd.106); Thag.649.
a + sankuppa, grd. of kup
attha →
(also aṭṭha, esp. in combinations mentioned under 3) masculine & neuter
- interest, advantage, gain; (moral) good blessing, welfare; profit, prosperity, well-b …
avivāda →
absence of contesting or disputing, agreement, harmony DN.iii.245; Snp.896 (˚bhūma Snp-a.557 or ˚bhumma Mnd.308, expld. as Nibbāna).
a + vivāda
avyāpajjha →
(abyābajjha) neuter (act.) kindness of heart; (pass.) freedom from suffering (Ep. of Nibbāna Vin.i.183 (avyāpajjh˚âdhimutta); Iti.31 (abyābajjh’ārāma).
a + vyapajjha or bajjh …
bhūma →
- (lit.) ground, country, district SN.iii.5 (pacchā˚ the western district).
- (fig. ground, reason for, occasion; stage, step Snp.896 (avivāda˚ ground of harmony; according to Snp-a.557 epit …
bojjhaṅga →
factor or constituent of knowledge or wisdom. There are 7 bojjhangas usually referred to or understood from the context. There are enumerated at several places, e.g. at DN.iii.106, where they are ment …
buddha →
- understood SN.i.35 = SN.i.60 (su-dub-buddha very difficult to understand)
- having attained enlightenment, wise AN.iv.449; Pv-a.16 (buddh’ ādayo), Pv-a.60 (= ari …
bujjhati →
to be awake, to be enlightened in (acc.), to perceive, to know, recognise, understand DN.ii.249; SN.i.74, SN.i.198; Dhp.136, Dhp.286; Thag.146; Ja.iii.331; Ja.iv.49 Ja.iv.425; Mil.165, Mil.348 (pot. b …
cala →
adjective moving, quivering; unsteady, fickle, transient SN.iv.68 (dhammā calā c’ eva vyayā ca aniccā, etc.); Ja.ii.299; Ja.iii.381; Ja.v.345; Mil.93, Mil.418 Sdhp.430, Sdhp.494. *-[acala](/define/ac …
cuta →
- (adj.) shifted, disappeared, deceased, passed from one existence to another Vin.iv.216; Snp.774, Snp.899; Iti.19, Iti.99; Ja.i.139, Ja.i.205; Pp.17
■ -accuta permanent. no …
danta →
a tooth, a tusk, fang, esp. an elephant’s tusk; ivory Vin.ii.117 (nāga-d. a pin of ivory); Kp ii. (as one of the taca-pañcaka, or 5 dermatic constituents of the body, viz. kesā, l …
desita →
expounded, shown, taught etc., given, assigned, conferred Vin.iii.152 (marked out) Vin.v.137; DN.ii.154 (dhamma); Dhp.285 (nibbāna); Pv-a.4 (magga: indicated), Pv-a.54 (given).
pp. of deseti
dhamma →
masculine & rarely neuter constitution etc.
A. Definitions by Commentators
Bdhgh gives a fourfold meaning of the word dhamma (at DN-a.i.99; Dhp-a.i.22), viz. 1 guṇe ( …
dhuva →
adjective stable, constant, permanent; fixed, regular certain, sure DN.i.18; SN.i.142; SN.iv.370; AN.ii.33; Ja.i.19 Ja.v.121 (˚sassataṃ maraṇaṃ); Ja.iii.325; Bv.ii.82; Mil.114 (na tā nadiyo dh-salilā …
dhātu →
element. Closely related to dhamma in meaning B 1b, only implying a closer relation to physical substance. As to its gen. connotation cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 198.
- a primary element, of whic …
diṭṭha →
- seen; a˚ not seen DN.i.222 (a˚ + avedita asacchikata); MN.i.3 sq. (diṭṭhaṃ diṭṭhato sañjānāti); Snp.147 (diṭṭhā vā ye vā addiṭṭhā), Snp.995 (na me diṭṭho ito pubbe na ssuto… Sat …
dudrabhi →
kettle-drum, in; Amata˚; the drum of Nibbāna Vin.i.8 = MN.i.171 (dundubhi at the latter passage); Pv-a.189 (variant reading for dundubhi).
another form of dundubhi, cp. duddabha & dundubhya
dundubhi →
kettle-drum, the noise of a drum, a heavy thud, thunder (usually as deva in the latter meaning) Pv.iii.3#4;; Pv-a.40, Pv-a.189 (variant reading dudrabhi)
■ Amata˚ the drum of Nibbāna MN …
dvāra →
- lit. an outer door, a gate, entrance Vin.i.15; SN.i.58 SN.i.138, SN.i.211; Ja.i.346; Ja.ii.63;; Vb.71 sq.; Pv-a.4, Pv-a.67 (village gate), Pv-a.79; Sdhp.54, Sdhp.356
■ That d. can …
gama →
- adj. going, able to go; going to, leading to; in vihangama going in the air Snp.221, Snp.606; Thag.1108; Ja.i.216 (cp. gamana); aghasi˚ id. Vv.16#1 (= vehāsaṃ Vv-a.78); nabhasi˚ going on clo …
gamana →
- (nt.) the fact or the state of going, movement, journey, walk; (-˚) striving for, the leading of, pursuit AN.ii.48 sq. (gamanena na pattabbo lokass’ anto = one cannot walk to the end of the world) …
gantha →
(in BB often misspelt gandha)
- a bond, fetter, trammel; always fig. and usually referring to and enumerated as the four bodily ties, or knots (kāya˚, see under kāya): SN.v.59 = Dh …
garuka →
somewhat heavy.
- lit. Ja.i.134 (of the womb in pregnancy); Dhp.310; Mil.102. Usually coupled & contrasted with; lahuka, light: in def. of sense of touch Dhs.648; similarly w. si …
gata →
gone, in all meanings of gacchati (q.v.) viz.
- literal. gone away, arrived at, directed to (c. acc.), opp ṭhita: gate ṭhite nisinne (loc. abs.) when going standing, sitting down (cp. gacchati 1) DN …
gati →
- going, going away, (opp. āgati coming) (both gati & āgati usually in pregnant sense of No. (2) See āgati); direction, course, career. Freq of the two careers of a Mahāpurisa (viz. either a Cakkavat …
go →
, f.) a cow, an ox, bull, pl. cattle. For f. cp gāvī; see also *gava*˚ for cpds
■ Sg. nom. go (Snp.580 also in composition, cp. aja-go-mahisādi Pv-a.80 = pasū) gen. gavassa (MN.i. …
gotrabhū →
“become of the lineage”; a technical term used from the end of the Nikāya period to designate one, whether layman or bhikkhu, who, as converted, was no longer of the worldlings (puthujjanā), but of th …
gāmin →
adjective f. ˚iṇī, in composition ˚gāmi˚
- going, walking, lit.: sīgha˚ walking quickly Snp.381
- leading to, making for, usually with magga or paṭipadā (gāminī), either lit. Pāṭaliputtagām …
iti →
Iti (ti)
indeclinable emphatic deictic particle “thus”. Occurs in both forms iti & ti, the former in higher style (poetry), the latter more familiar in conversational prose. The function of “iti” is …
itthi →
Itthi & Itthī
feminine woman female; also (usually as-˚) wife. Opp. purisa man (see e.g. for contrast of itthi and purisa Ja.v.72, Ja.v.398; Ne.93; Dhp-a.i.390; Pv-a.153)
■ SN.i.33 (nibbānass’ e …
itthī →
Itthi & Itthī
feminine woman female; also (usually as-˚) wife. Opp. purisa man (see e.g. for contrast of itthi and purisa Ja.v.72, Ja.v.398; Ne.93; Dhp-a.i.390; Pv-a.153)
■ SN.i.33 (nibbānass’ e …
jajjara →
withered, feeble with age Thig.270; Ja.i.5, Ja.i.59 (jarā˚); Thag-a.212; Pv-a.63 (˚bhāva, state of being old)- a˚; not fading (cp. amata & ajarāmara), of Nibbāna SN.iv.369.
From intensive of jarati
kamma →
the doing, deed, work orig. meaning (see karoti) either building (cp. Lit kùrti, Opr. kūra to build) or weaving, plaiting (still in mālākamma and latā˚ “the intertwining of garland …
kataññu →
adjective lit. knowing, i.e. acknowledging what has been done (to one), i.e. grateful often in combination with katavedin grateful and mindful of benefits SN.ii.272; AN.i.87 = P …
khanti →
Khanti & Khantī
f. patience, forbearance, forgiveness. Def. at Dhs.1341: khantī khamanatā adhivāsanatā acaṇḍikkaṃ anasuropo attamanatā cittassa Most frequent combinations: with *[mettā](/define/mettā …
khantī →
Khanti & Khantī
f. patience, forbearance, forgiveness. Def. at Dhs.1341: khantī khamanatā adhivāsanatā acaṇḍikkaṃ anasuropo attamanatā cittassa Most frequent combinations: with *[mettā](/define/mettā …
khema →
- (adj.) full of peace, safe; tranquil, calm DN.i.73 (of a country) SN.i.123 (of the path leading to the ambrosial, i.e. Nibbāna), SN.i.189 = Snp.454 (of vācā nibbānapattiyā); MN.i.227 (vivaṭaṃ amata …
kilesa →
Kilesa & klesa
stain, soil, impurity, fig. affliction; in a moral sense, depravity, lust. Its occurrence in the Piṭakas is rare; in later works, very frequent, where it is approx. tantamount to our t …
klesa →
Kilesa & klesa
stain, soil, impurity, fig. affliction; in a moral sense, depravity, lust. Its occurrence in the Piṭakas is rare; in later works, very frequent, where it is approx. tantamount to our t …
koṭi →
the end—
- of space: the extreme part, top, summit, point (cp. anta to which it is opposed at dhanu-koṭiṃ nissāya “through the (curved) end of my bow,” i.e. by means …
kuppa →
adjective shaking, unsteady, movable; AN.iii.128 (˚dhammo, unsteady, of a pāpabhikkhu) Snp.784; of a kamma: a proceeding that can be quashed Vin.ii.71 (also a˚). nt. kuppaṃ anger Vin.ii.133 (karis s …
kāma →
to desire.
- Objective: pleasantness, pleasure-giving, an object of sensual enjoyment.
- Subjective: (a) enjoyment, pleasure on occasion of sense, (b) sense-desire.
Buddhist commentators exp …
leṇa →
(& lena) neuter
- a cave (in a rock), a mountain cave, used by ascetics (or bhikkhus) as a hermitage or place of shelter, a rock cell. Often enumerated with kuṭi guhā, e.g. Vin.iv.48; Mil.151; Vb. …
loka →
world, primarily “visible world,” then in general as “space or sphere of creation, with var. degrees of substantiality. Often (unspecified in the comprehensive sense of “universe.” Sometimes the term …
lokika →
Lokiya & lokika
- (ordinarily) “belonging to the world,” i.e
- world-wide, covering the whole world, famed, widely known Thag.554;
- (-˚) belonging to the world of, an i …
lokiya →
Lokiya & lokika
- (ordinarily) “belonging to the world,” i.e
- world-wide, covering the whole world, famed, widely known Thag.554;
- (-˚) belonging to the world of, an i …
maccu →
the God of Death, the Buddhist Māra, or sometimes equivalent to Yama SN.i.156; Snp.357 (gen. maccuno), Snp.581 (instr maccunā), Snp.587; Thag.411; Dhp.21, Dhp.47, Dhp.128, Dhp.135, Dhp.150 Dhp.287; Vb …
magga →
- a road (usually high road), way, foot-path Vism.708 (maggaṃ agata-pubba-purisa, simile of); Vb-a.256 (tiyojana˚, simile of a man travelling); Dhp-a.i.229- addhāna˚; high road Vin.iv.62; MN. …
mahant →
adjective great, extensive, big important, venerable
■ nom. mahā Snp.1008; Mhvs.22, Mhvs.27. Shortened to maha in cpd. pitāmaha (following a …
mana(s) →
Mano & Mana(s)
I. Declension
Like all other nouns of old s-stems mano has partly retained the s forms (cp cetah → ceto) & partly follows the a-declension. The …
manasa →
adjective having a mind with such & such a mind Snp.942 (nibbāna˚ “a nibbāna mind,” one who is intent upon N., cp. expln at Snp-a.567); Pv.i.6#6 (paduṭṭha-manasā f., maybe ˚mānasā but Pv\ …
mano →
Mano & Mana(s)
I. Declension
Like all other nouns of old s-stems mano has partly retained the s forms (cp cetah → ceto) & partly follows the a-declension. The …
māra →
death; usually personified as Np. Death, the Evil one, the Tempter (the Buddhist Devil or Principle of Destruction) Sometimes the term māra is applied to the whole of the worldly exi …
nekkhamma →
giving up the world leading a holy life, renunciation of, or emancipation from worldliness, freedom from lust, craving & desires, dispassionateness self-abnegation, Nibbāna. Vin.i.18 (˚e ānisaṁsa) DN …
nibbanatha →
adjective free from lust or cravings SN.i.180, SN.i.186 (so ’haṃ vane nibbanatho visallo); Thag.526; Dhp.344; Dāvs i.18.
nis + vanatha
nibbidā →
weariness, disgust with worldly life, tedium, aversion, indifference, disenchantment N. is of the preliminary & conditional states for the attainment of Nibbāna (see nibbāna II B …
nibbindati →
to get wearied of (c. loc.); to have enough of, be satiated, turn away from, to be disgusted with. In two roots:
- vind: prs. nibbindati etc. usually in combination with virajjati & vimuccati; ( …
nibbuta →
adjective (lit.) extinguished (of fire), cooled, quenched (fig. desireless (often with nicchāta & sītibhūta), appeased pleased, happy
- (lit.) aggi anāhāro n. MN.i.487; Snp.19 (ginī n. = magga-sali …
nibbāyati →
- to be cooled or refreshed, to be covered up = to be extinguished, go out (of fire), to cease to exist, always used with ref. to fire or heat or (fig.) burning sensations (see *[nibbāna](/define/nib …
nicca →
adjective constant, continuous, permanent DN.iii.31; SN.i.142; SN.ii.109, SN.ii.198; SN.iv.24 sq., SN.iv.45, SN.iv.63; AN.ii.33, AN.ii.52 AN.v.210; Pts.ii.80; Vb.335, Vb.426. In chain of synonyms nicc …
ninna →
adjective noun
- (adj.) bent down (cp ninnata), low-lying, deep, low, sunken Ja.ii.3 (magga) Pv-a.29 (bhūmibhāga), Pv-a.132 (ṭhāṇa); esp. freq. as-˚ bent on, inclining to, leading to, aiming at, …
nirodha →
oppression, suppression; destruction, cessation annihilation (of senses, consciousness, feeling being in general: sankhārā). Bdhgh’s expln of the word is: “ni-saddo abhāvaṃ, rodha-saddo c …
ojavant →
adjective possessing strengthening qualities, giving strength. MN.i.480 SN.i.212 (so read for ovajaṁ; phrase ojavaṁ asecanakaṁ of Nibbāna, translated “elixir”) Thag.2, 196 (identical ojavantaṁ Thag-a …
okkamana →
entering into, approaching, reaching MN.iii.6; AN.iii.108 (entering the path); also in phrase nibbānassa okkamanāya AN.iv.111 sq., cp. AN.iv.230 sq.
fr. okkamati
opanayika →
adjective leading to (Nibbāna) SN.iv.41 sq., SN.iv.272, SN.iv.339; SN.v.343; AN.i.158; AN.ii.198; DN.iii.5; Vism.217.
fr. upaneti, upa + nī
opiya →
is metric for upiya undergoing, going into SN.i.199 = Thag.119 (nibbānaṃ hadayasmiṃ opiya; Mrs. Rh. D. trsls. “suffering N. in thy heart to sink”, S A. hadayasmiṃ pakkhip …
pabbhāra →
- (m.) a decline, incline, slope Ja.i.348; adj. (usually -˚) bending inclining, sloping; fig. tending or leading to (cp. E “bearing on”) MN.i.493 (samudda˚); SN.i.110 (id.), SN.v.38, SN.v.216, SN.v. …
pada →
- foot Dhp.273 = Snp-a.366 (? saccānaṃ caturo padā); DN-a.i.85; usually -˚, like hatthipadaṃ elephant’s foot MN.i.176, MN.i.184; SN.i.86; SN.v.43, SN.v.231; and with numerals dvi˚ & di˚, catup˚, a …
pajjota →
light, lustre, splendour, a lamp SN.i.15, SN.i.47; AN.ii.140; Snp.349; Pp.25 Sdhp.590
■ telapajjota an oil lamp Vin.i.16 = DN.i.85; AN.i.56 ≈ Snp.p.15
■ dhammapajjota the lamp of the Dhamma Mil.21 …
pakkhika FIXME double →
- belonging or referring to the (2) lunar fortnights fortnightly, for a fortnight or in the (specified) fortnight of the month (cp. Vin. Texts iii.220). As one special provisio …
pamocana →
adjective noun loosening, setting free; deliverance, emancipation SN.i.172 = Snp.78; AN.ii.24, AN.ii.37 AN.ii.49 sq.; Snp.166 (maccupāsā, abl. = from), Snp.1064 (pamocanāya dat. = pamocetuṃ Cnd); Iti. …
parama →
adjective highest, most excellent, superior, best paraphrased by agga seṭṭha visiṭṭha at Cnd.502 A Mnd.84, Mnd.102 (the latter reading viseṭṭha for visiṭṭha); by uttama at Dhp-a …
parinibbuta →
adjective completely calmed, at peace, at rest (as to the distinction of the twofold application see parinibbāna and cp., Mrs. Rh.D. Buddhism p. 191; Cpd. p. 168), viz.
1 …
parinibbāna →
“complete Nibbāna” in two meanings:
- complete extinction of khandhalife; i.e. all possibility of such life & its rebirth, final release from (the misery of) rebirth and transmigration death (after …
parinibbānika →
adjective one who is destined to or that which leads to complete extinction DN.iii.264 DN.iii.265 (opasamika +).
fr. parinibbāna
parinibbāpeti →
to bring to complete coolness, or training (see next), emancipation or cessation of the life-impulse, to make calm, lead to Nibbāna to exercise self-control, to extinguish fever of craving or fire o …
parinibbāti →
Parinibbāyati & ˚nibbāti
- to be completed, perfected in any work or art, e.g. of a trained horse MN.i.446. Cp. τελειόω.
- to die without being reborn to reach complete extinction of existence Vin.i …
parinibbāyati →
Parinibbāyati & ˚nibbāti
- to be completed, perfected in any work or art, e.g. of a trained horse MN.i.446. Cp. τελειόω.
- to die without being reborn to reach complete extinction of existence Vin.i …
parinibbāyin →
one who attains Parinibbāna. Of the 2 meanings registered under parinibbāna we find No. 1 only in a very restricted use when taken in both senses of sa-and an-upādisesa parinibbāna; e.g. at AN.ii.15 …
parinipphanna →
adjective predetermined Kv.459 (variant reading ˚nibbāna), Kv.626 (a˚); cp. Kvu trsl. 2616 3681.
pari + nipphanna
pariyosāna →
- end, finish, conclusion Ja.i.106 (sacca˚ = desanā˚); Pv-a.9 (desanā and passim), Pv-a.136 (āyūha˚), Pv-a.162 (id.), Pv-a.281 (= anta) Often contracted with ādi beginning & majj …
parāyana →
Parāyana & Parāyaṇa
- (n.) final end, i.e. support, rest, relief SN.i.38; AN.i.155, AN.i.156 (tāṇa lena dīpa etc.); Ja.v.501 = (dīpañ ca p.).
- (adj. ˚)
- going through to, en …
parāyaṇa →
Parāyana & Parāyaṇa
- (n.) final end, i.e. support, rest, relief SN.i.38; AN.i.155, AN.i.156 (tāṇa lena dīpa etc.); Ja.v.501 = (dīpañ ca p.).
- (adj. ˚)
- going through to, en …
patta →
- the wing of a bird, a feather Vin.iv.259; DN.i.71. kukkuṭa˚ a hen’s quill (for sewing) Vin.ii.215
- a leaf MN.i.429; Snp.44 = Snp.64 (sañchinna˚, see Cnd.625); Snp.625 ( …
patti →
on foot, one who is on foot, a foot-soldier Vin.iv.105 (as one of the 4 constituents of a senā or army, viz. hatthī elephants, assā horses, rathā chariots, pattī …
pavatta →
- (adj.) happening, going on, procedure, resulting Thig.220 (assu ca pavattaṃ taken by Mrs. Rh. D. as “tears shed”); Thag-a.179; Pv-a.35, Pv-a.83 (gāthāyo), Pv-a.120, esp. with ref. to …
paṇḍita →
adjective wise, clever, skilled, circumspect, intelligent Vin.ii.190 (+ buddhimanto) DN.i.12 (˚vedaniya comprehensible only by the wise), DN.i.120 (opp. duppañña); DN.iii.192; MN.i.342; MN.iii.61, MN …
paṭipadā →
means of reaching a goal or destination, path, way, means, method, mode of progress (cp. Dhs. translation 53, 82, 92, 143), course, practice (cp. BSk. pratipad in meaning of pratipatti “line of cond …
paṭippassaddhi →
subsidence, calming, allaying, quieting down, repose, complete ease Vin.i.331 (kammassa suppression of an act); Pts.ii.3 Pts.ii.71, Pts.ii.180; Ne.89; Dhs.40, Dhs.41, Dhs.320; Snp-a.9. Esp frequent i …
paṭisaṃyutta →
connected with, coupled, belonging to Vin.iv.6; SN.i.210 (nibbāna ˚dhammikathā); Thag.598; Iti.73; Vv-a.6, Vv-a.87; Pv-a.12.
pp. of paṭisaṃyujati
phala →
neuter to burst, thus lit. “bursting,” i.e. ripe fruit; see phalati]
- (lit. fruit (of trees etc.) Vv.84#14 (dumā nicca-phal’ ûpapannā not to phalu, as Kern, …
poṇa →
neuter only in cpd. danta˚; a tooth pick Vin.iv.90; Ja.iv.69; Mil.15; Snp-a.272. As dantapoṇaka at Dāvs i.57
■ kūṭa-poṇa at Vism.268 read -goṇa.
= poṇa2?
Poṇa …
pāpurati →
to cover, veil; shut, hide; only neg. a˚; and only in phrase apāpurati Amatassa dvāraṃ to open the door of Nibbāna Vin.i.5; Vv.64#27 (= vivarati Vv-a.284).
fr. pa + ā + vṛ; cp. Vedic pravṛṇoti
pāra →
adjective noun
- as adv. (˚-) beyond, over, across, used as prep. with abl., e.g. pāra-Gangāya beyond the G. SN.i.207, SN.i.214; Snp-a.228. See under cpds
- as nt. the other side, the opposi …
pāraṃ →
adverb preposition beyond, to the other side DN.i.244; MN.i.135; Snp.1146 (Maccu-dheyya˚, vv. ll ˚dheyassa & ˚dheyya˚), expld by Cnd.487 as amataṃ nibbānaṃ; Vv-a.42.
- *-[gata](/define/ …
rasa →
that which is connected with the sense of taste. The defn given at Vism.447 is as follows “jivhā-paṭihanana-lakkhaṇo raso, jivhā-viññāṇassa visaya-bhāvo raso, tass’ ev …
rasāvin →
(adj. tasting Vv-a.85 (nibbāna˚).
fr. rasa
ratta →
- dyed, coloured MN.i.36 (dūratta-vaṇṇa difficult to dye or badly dyed MN-a.167 reads duratta and explains as durañjita-vaṇṇa opp. suratta ibid.); Snp.287 (nānā-rattehi vatthe …
rāga →
- colour, hue; colouring, dye Vin.ii.107 (anga˚ “rougeing” the body bhikkhū angarāgaṃ karonti); Thag-a.78; Snp-a.315 (nānāvidha˚).
- (as t. t. in philosophy & ethics) excitement passion; seldom by …
rūpa →
form, figure, appearance, principle of form, etc.
- Definitions. According to P. expositors rūpa takes its designation fr. ruppati, e.g. “ruppanato rūpaṃ” Vism.588; “ruppan’ a …
sakkāya →
the body in being, the existing body or group (= -nikāya q.v.); as a t.t. in P. psychology almost equal to individuality; identified with the five khandhas MN.i.299; SN.iii.159; …
sampadā →
- attainment, success accomplishment; happiness, good fortune; blessing bliss AN.i.38; Pv.ii.9#47 (= sampatti Pv-a.132)
■ Sampadā in its pregnant meaning is applied to the accomplishments of th …
sampatti →
- success, attainment; happiness, bliss, fortune (opp. vipatti) AN.iv.26, AN.iv.160; Vism.58 Vism.232; Ja.iv.3 (dibba˚); DN-a.i.126; three attainments Ja.i.105; Mil.96; Dhp-a …
santa →
calmed, tranquil, peaceful, pure DN.i.12; Vin.i.4; SN.i.5; AN.ii.18; Snp.746; Pv.iv.1#34 (= upasanta-kilesa Pv-a.230); Mil.232, Mil.409; Vism.155 (˚anga; opp. oḷārik’anga); Dhp-a …
santi →
tranquillity, peace Snp.204; DN.ii.157; AN.ii.24; Dhp.202.
santika →
vicinity, presence; santikaṃ into the presence of, towards Ja.i.91, Ja.i.185; santikā from the presence of, from Ja.i.43, Ja.i.83, Ja.i.189; santike in the presence of, before …
sappāya →
adjective likely, beneficial fit, suitable AN.i.120; SN.iii.268; SN.iv.23 sq., SN.iv.133 sq. (Nibbāna˚ paṭipadā); Ja.i.182, Ja.i.195; Ja.ii.436 (kiṃci sappāyaṃ something that did him good, a remedy); …
saññā →
saññāyo and saññā-e.g. MN.i.108)
- sense, consciousness, perception, being the third khandha Vin.i.13; MN.i.300; SN.iii.3 sq.; Dhs.40 Dhs.58, Dhs.61, Dhs.113; Vb-a.42.
- sense, perception, discer …
saṃvattati →
to lead (to), to be useful (for) AN.i.54, AN.i.58 (ahitāya dukkhāya); Vin.i.10 = SN.v.421; Iti.71 sq.; Ja.i.97; Pot. saṃvatteyya Vin.i.13
■ Often in phrase *nibbidāya, virāgāya… nibbānāya saṃvatta …
saṅkhata →
- put together, compound; conditioned, produced by a combination of causes, “created,” brought about as effect of actions in former births SN.ii.26; SN.iii.56; Vin.ii.284; Iti.37, Iti.88; Ja.ii.38; N …
sikkhati →
- to learn, to train oneself (= ghaṭati vāyamati Vism.274) usually combined with the locative, thus sikkhā-padesu s. to train oneself in the Sikkhāpadas DN.i.63, DN.i.250; Vin.i.84; Iti.96, Iti.118; …
su →
indeclinable a part. of exclamation “shoo!”; usually repeated su su Ja.ii.250; (of the hissing of a snake); Thag-a.110 (scaring somebody away), Thag-a.305 (sound of puffi …
sukha →
adjective noun agreeable, pleasant, blest Vin.i.3; Dhp.118, Dhp.194, Dhp.331; Snp.383; paṭipadā, pleasant path, easy progress AN.ii.149 sq.; Dhs.178; kaṇṇa-s. pleasant to the ear DN.i.4; happy, pleas …
suñña →
- empty, uninhabited DN.i.17; DN.ii.202; SN.i.180; SN.iv.173; DN-a.i.110; Mil.5.
- empty, devoid of reality, unsubstantial, phenomenal MN.i.435; SN.iii.167; SN.iv.54, SN.iv.296; Snp.1119 …
suññata →
adjective void, empty, devoid of lusts, evil dispositions, and karma, but especially of soul, ego Thig.46; Thag-a.50; Dhs.344; Mhvs.37, Mhvs.7; nibbāna Dhs-a.221; *[phassa](/def …
suññatā →
emptiness, “void,” unsubstantiality, phenomenality; freedom from lust, ill-will and dullness, Nibbāna MN.iii.111; Kv.232; Dhs-a.221; Ne.118 sq., Ne.123 sq., Ne.126; Mil.16; Vism.333 (n’atthi; *[suññ …
taccarita →
adjective in combination with tabbahula taggaruka tanninna tappoṇa tappabhāra freq. as formula, expressing: converging to this end, bent thereon, striving towards this (aim): Nd ii.under tad. The same …
taccha →
a carpenter, usually as ˚ka: otherwise only in cpd. -sūkara the carpenter-pig (= a boar, so called from felling trees), title & hero of Jātaka No. 492 (Ja.iv.342 sq.). Cp. vaḍḍ …
tatha →
adjective (being) in truth, truthful true, real DN.i.190 (+ bhūta taccha); MN.iii.70; Thag.347; Snp.1115 (= Cnd.275 taccha bhūta, etc.). (nt. tathaṃ = saccaṃ, in cattāri tathāni the 4 truths SN.v.430 …
tathatta →
“the state of being so,” the truth, Nibbāna; only in foll. phrases:
- tathattāya paṭipajjati to be on the road to (i.e. attain) Nibbāna DN.i.175, similarly SN.ii.199; SN.ii.209 (paṭipajjitabba bei …
taṇhā →
(lit.) drought, thirst; (fig.) craving, hunger for, excitement the fever of unsatisfied longing (c. loc.: kabaḷinkāre āhāre “thirst” for solid food SN.ii.101 sq.; cīvare piṇḍapāte taṇhā = greed for Sn …
ti →
Iti (ti)
indeclinable emphatic deictic particle “thus”. Occurs in both forms iti & ti, the former in higher style (poetry), the latter more familiar in conversational prose. The function of “iti” is …
tiṇṇa →
one who has reached the other shore (always fig.) gone through, overcome, one who has attained Nibbāna. Ogha˚ gone through the great flood SN.i.3, SN.i.142; Snp.178, Snp.823, Snp.1082, Snp.1101, Snp.1 …
tāṇa →
shelter, protection refuge, esp. as tt. of shelter & peace offered by the Dhamma. Mostly in combn with leṇa & saraṇa; (see [dīpa & abhaya;](/define/dīpa & abhaya;)), in var. contexts, esp …
ujjuka →
Ujuka & Ujjuka
adjective straight, direct, upright MN.i.124; SN.i.33 (ujuko so maggo, the road to nibbāna), SN.i.260 (citta); SN.iv.298; SN.v.143, SN.v.165; Ja.i.163; Ja.v.297 (opp khujja); Dhp-a.i. …
ujuka →
Ujuka & Ujjuka
adjective straight, direct, upright MN.i.124; SN.i.33 (ujuko so maggo, the road to nibbāna), SN.i.260 (citta); SN.iv.298; SN.v.143, SN.v.165; Ja.i.163; Ja.v.297 (opp khujja); Dhp-a.i. …
upadhi →
- putting down or under, foundation basis, ground, substratum (of rebirth) SN.i.117, SN.i.124 SN.i.134, SN.i.186; AN.ii.24 (˚sankhaya); AN.iii.382 (id.); AN.iv.150 (˚kkhaya); Iti.21, Iti.69; Snp.364, …
upanisā →
- cause, means DN.ii.217, DN.ii.259; MN.iii.71 (samādhiṃ sa-upanisaṃ); SN.ii.30–SN.ii.32 (SN-a. = kāraṇa, paccaya); SN.v.25; AN.i.198; AN.iii.20, AN.iii.200 sq. AN.iii.360; AN.iv.99, AN.iv.336, AN. …
upasama →
calm, quiet, appeasement, allaying, assuagement, tranquillizing Vin.i.10; SN.iv.331 = SN.v.421 (in freq. phrase upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattati; see nibbāna ii …
upādi →
= upādāna, but in more concrete meaning of “stuff of life”, substratum of being, khandha; only in combn. with -sesa (adj.) having some fuel of life (= khandhas or substratum) lef …
upādā →
adverb lit. “taking up”, i.e. subsisting on something else, not original, secondary derived (of rūpa form) Dhs.877, Dhs.960, Dhs.1210; Vism.275 Vism.444 (24 fold); Dhs-a.215, Dhs-a.299, Dhs-a.333, …
uttama →
adjective “ut-most”, highest, greatest, best Snp.1054 (dhammaṃ uttamaṃ the highest ideal = Nibbāna for which seṭṭhan Snp.1064; cp. Cnd.317); Dhp.56; Mnd.211; Cnd.502 (in paraphrase of mahā combd …
vana →
neuter the forest; wood; as a place of pleasure sport (“wood”), as well as of danger & frightfulness (“jungle”), also as resort of ascetics, noted for its loneliness (“forest”). Of ( …
vanatha →
underwood, brushwood, thicket. Does not occur in lit meaning, except in exegesis of Dhp.283 at Dhp-a.iii.424 q.v. under vana1. Another defn is given at Snp-a.24 “taṇhā pariyuṭṭ …
vaṭṭa →
adjective noun
- round circular; (nt.) circle Pv-a.185 (āyata +); Kp-a.50 (˚nāli). See cpd. -aṅguli.
- (fig.) “rolling on,” the “round” of existences, cycle of transmigrati …
viraja →
adjective free from defilement or passion, stainless, faultless Vin.i.294 (āgamma maggaṃ virajaṃ) Snp.139, Snp.520, Snp.636, Snp.1105 (see exegesis at Cnd.590); Pv.iii.3#6 (= vigata-raja, niddosa Pv\ …
virāga →
- absence of rāga, dispassionateness, indifference towards (abl. or loc.) disgust, absence of desire, destruction of passions; waning, fading away cleansing, purifying; emancipation, Arahantship. DN. …
visaṅkhāra →
divestment of all material things Dhp.154 (= nibbāna Dhp-a.iii.129). See sankhāra 3.
vi + sankhāra
vitakka →
reflection, thought, thinking; “initial application” (Cpd. 282)
■ defined as “vitakkanaṃ vitakko, ūhanan ti vuttaṃ hoti” at Vism.142 (with simile on p. 143, comparing vitakka with vicāra kumbhakār …
vivaṭṭa →
- “rolling back,” with ref. to the development of the world (or the aeons kappa) used to denote a devolving cycle (“devolution”) whereas vaṭṭa alone or *[saṃvaṭṭa](/define/saṃvaṭ …
viveka →
detachment, loneliness, separation, seclusion; “singleness” (of heart), discrimination (of thought) DN.i.37, DN.i.182; DN.iii.222, DN.iii.226, DN.iii.283 = SN.iv.191 (˚ninna citta); SN.i.2, SN.i.194; …
viññāṇa →
(as special term in Buddhist metaphysics) a mental quality as a constituent of individuality, the bearer of (individual) life, life-force (as extending also over rebirths), principle of conscious lif …
yathā →
adverb as, like, in relation to, after (the manner of)
■ As prep. (with acc.): according (to some condition, norm or rule): yathā kāmaṃ (already Vedic) according to his desire …
yoga →
lit. “yoking, or being yoked,” i.e. connection bond, means; fig. application, endeavour, device
- yoke, yoking (rare?) (meant here the yoke of the churning-sticks; cp.
- conn …
yāva →
- (as prep.) up to (a point), as far as, how far so far that (cp. tāva I), both temporal and local, used either with absolute form of noun or adj. (base), or nom., or abl. or *acc …
yāyin →
adjective (-˚) going, going on to; in yāna-yāyinī (f.) Thig.389 (maggaṭṭhangika˚ having ascended the carriage of the 8-fold Path; explained by “ariya-yāyena nibbāna-puraṃ yāyinī upagatā” Thag- …
ñāya →
- method, truth, system, later = logic: ˚gantha book on logic Dāvs iii.41.
- fitness right manner, propriety, right conduct, often applied to the “right path” (ariyamagga = ariyañāya Vin.i.10) DN. …
ānaṇya →
freedom from debt DN.i.73; AN.iii.354 (Ep. of Nibbāna, cp. anaṇa); Mnd.160; Vism.44; DN-a.i.3.
Sk. ānṛṇya, so also BSk. e.g. Jtm.31#18; from a + ṛṇa, P. iṇa but also aṇa in compo …
ārambha →
- attempt, effort, inception of energy (cp. Dhs trsl. 15 & K. S. p. 318 giving Commentary defined as kicca, karaṇīya, attha, i.e. 1. undertaking duty, 2. object. SN.i.76 (mah˚); SN.v.66, SN.v.104 …
ārammaṇa →
primary meaning “foundation”, from this applied in the foll. senses:
- support, help, footing, expedient, anything to be depended upon as a means of achieving what is desired, i.e. basis of operatio …
ūmi →
Ūmī & Ūmi
feminine a wave MN.i.460 (˚bhaya); SN.iv.157; SN.v.123 (˚jāta); AN.iii.232 sq. (id.); Snp.920; Ja.ii.216; Ja.iii.262 Ja.iv.141; Mil.260 (˚jāta)
■ Note. A parallel form of ūmī is *ummī …
ūmī →
Ūmī & Ūmi
feminine a wave MN.i.460 (˚bhaya); SN.iv.157; SN.v.123 (˚jāta); AN.iii.232 sq. (id.); Snp.920; Ja.ii.216; Ja.iii.262 Ja.iv.141; Mil.260 (˚jāta)
■ Note. A parallel form of ūmī is *ummī …
ṭhāna →
(ṭṭhāna) neuter
I. Connotation
As one of the 4 iriyāpathā (behaviours)
- contrasted (a) as standing position with sitting or reclining (b) as rest with motion.
- by itself without parti …