King of Avanti in the time of the Buddha. His name was Pajjota, the sobriquet being added on account of his violent temper.
Once, when ill with jaundice, he asked Bimbisāra to lend him the services of Jīvaka, as no other doctor could cure him. The cure for the malady was ghee, for which Pajjota had a strong aversion. Jīvaka, therefore, decided to administer it disguised in an astringent decoction, and obtained the king’s permission to use any of the royal animals or to leave the city at any time he wished, on the plea that he must go in search of various medicines. When all preparations were complete, Jīvaka gave the king the medicine and escaped on Bhaddavatikā, the king’s she-elephant, before the truth was discovered. The king sent Kāka in pursuit, but Jīvaka gave Kāka a purgative and so delayed his return until the medicine had taken effect on the king. Later, when Pajjota was cured, he sent Jīvaka many costly presents, including a garment of Siveyyaka cloth. Vin.i.276ff.
Pajjota was the friend of Bimbisāra, and when the latter was put to death by Ajātasattu, Pajjota seems to have made preparations to wage war on Ajātasattu. The defences of Rājagaha were strengthened to meet the threatened attack, but nothing further happened. MN.iii.7