A country, one of the sixteen Great Nations.DN.ii.200 AN.i.213 During the Buddha’s time the chieftain of Kuru was called Koravya, and his discussion with the Elder Raṭṭhapāla, who was himself the scion of a noble family of the Kurus, is recounted in the Raṭṭhapāla Sutta.MN.ii.65ff. Koravya had a park called Migacīra. Discourses to the Kurus include the Mahānidāna Sutta, the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the Māgaṇḍiya Sutta, the Anañjasappāya Sutta, the Sammosa Sutta and the Ariyavasā Sutta. All these were preached at Kammāssadhamma, which is described as a nigama of the Kurūs, where the Buddha resided from time to time. Another town of the Kurūs, which we find mentioned, is Thullakoṭṭhika, the birthplace of Raṭṭhapāla, and here the Buddha stayed during a tour. MN.ii.54
The Kuru country is generally identified as the district around Thānesar, with its capital Indapatta, near the modern Delhi.
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