
A brahmin of Aṅguttarāpa. He was a great friend of Keṇiya, the Jaṭila, and visited him when Keṇiya was making preparations to entertain the Buddha. Having heard the word “Buddha” from Keṇiya, Sela was filled with joy and fortitude, and went with his two hundred and fifty pupils to visit the Buddha in the woodland near Apana. There he observed on the person of the Buddha the thirty two marks of a Great Being all except two—viz., hidden privates and the long tongue. The Buddha read his thoughts and contrived, by his iddhi power, that Sela should be satisfied on these two points as well. Sela then praised the Buddha in a series of verses and asked questions of him. At the end of his talk, Sela entered the Order with his pupils, and, at the end of a week, he attained arahantship. Snp.p.104ff. MN.ii.146f.