

A town in Kosala, DN.ii.316 near which was Ukkaṭṭha.

The Aṅguttara Nikāya AN.ii.37 records a conversation between the Buddha and the brahmin Doṇa, whom the Buddha met on the road from Ukkaṭṭha to Setavyā. The city was on the road, taken by Bāvarī’s disciples, Snp.1012 from Sāvatthī to Rājagaha, and was the first halting place outside Sāvatthī. Beyond it were Kapilavatthu, Kusinārā, Pāvā, etc.

To the north of Setavyā was the Siṃsapāvana, where Kumāra Kassapa lived, and where he preached the Pāyāsi Sutta to the brahmin Pāyāsi, who held a royal fief there. DN.ii.316
