A Buddha of a past age.DN.ii.7 DN.iii.195f. SN.ii.9
- He was born in the Nisabha pleasance in Aruṇavatī.
- His father was the khattiya Aruṇa and his mother Pabhāvatī.
- His wife was Sabbakāmā and his son Atula.
- His Bodhi was a puṇḍarīka.
- The Bodhisatta was Arindama, king of Paribhutta.
- Abhibhū and Sambhava were his chief disciples among monks.
- Akhila and Padumā among nuns.
- His constant attendant was Khemaṅkara.
- Among his patrons were Sirivaḍḍha and Canda among men,
- and Cittā and Suguttā among women.