

A bhikkhunī whose Therīgāthā verses consist of a dialogue, firstly between her father Sujāta and a bhikkhunī, Vāsiṭṭhī, Thig.313–324 and later between Sundarī and her mother. Thig.325–338 Sujāta asked Vāsiṭṭhī why she does not grieve her lost children, and she answers that she has learnt the Dhamma from the Buddha. Sujāta then determines to go to Mithila to see the Buddha and go forth. When Sundarī’s mother heard the news, she implored Sundarī to remain as the heir to the family, but Sundarī was also committed to the Dhamma. She went to the Buddha and roared a Lion’s Roar.


A Paribbājikā. She listened to the persuasions of her colleagues, the heretics, and would be seen in the evenings going towards Jetavana with garlands, perfumes, fruits, etc. When asked where she was going, she would reply that she was going to spend the night in the Buddha’s cell. She would then spend it in a neighbouring monastery of the Paribbājakas and be seen again early in the morning coming from the direction of Jetavana. After some days, the heretics hired some villains to kill Sundarī and hide her body under a heap of rubbish near Jetavana. Then they raised a hue and cry and reported to the king that Sundarī was missing. A search was made, and her body was found near the Gandhakuti of the Buddha. Placing the body on a litter, they went about the streets of the city crying— “Behold the deeds of the Sākyan monks!” As a result, the monks were subjected to great insults in the streets. For seven days the Buddha stayed in the Gandhakuti, not going to the city for alms, and Ānanda even suggested that they should go to another city.

But the Buddha pointed out to him the absurdity of running away from a false report, and said that in seven days the truth would be known. The king employed spies, who found the murderers quarrelling among themselves after strong drink. They were seized and brought before the king, where they confessed their crime. The king sent for the heretics and compelled them to retract their accusations against the Buddha and his monks and to confess their own wickedness. They were then punished for murder. Ud.iv.8