A devaputta. Once, when Ānanda utters high praise of Sāriputta, Susīma, who is present, reflects on it and confirms all that Ānanda has said. The retinue of Susīma listen enraptured, waxing wondrous, in diverse colours. SN.163f.
One of the thousand sons of Sakka. He was one of the deva generals in the fight with the Asuras, but he was lazy, and Sakka had to admonish him. SN.i.217
A Paribbājaka of Rājagaha. When the Buddha’s fame spread and his gains increased, Susīma’s followers suggested that he should learn the Buddha’s doctrine and preach it to the laity so that he and his followers, too, could reap some of the advantages.
Susīma agreed, and sought, Ānanda, who, with the Buddha’s sanction, ordained him. In discussion with the monks who declared that they had obtained complete emancipation, etc., Susīma discovered that all of them did not possess supernatural powers, but thought they had gained nibbāna “through insight.” He thereupon sought the Buddha to have the matter explained. The Buddha asked him many questions, and made him realize the truth of their statement. Susīma confessed his original purpose in joining the Order and asked for forgiveness. SN.ii.119ff.