He once visited Nandaka Thera with Pekkhuniya’s grandson, Rohana. AN.i.193f. He built a vihāra for the nuns and Sundarīndā was appointed to supervise the work. As a result, Sāḷha and Sundarīnandā saw each other frequently and fell in love. Wishing to seduce her, Sāḷha invited a party of nuns to his house and set apart seats for those nuns who were older than Nandā in one part, and for those younger in another, so that Nandā would be alone. But she, guessing the reason for the invitation, did not go, and, instead, sent an attendant nun to Sāḷha’s house for her alms, excusing herself on the plea that she was taken ill. Salha, hearing of this, set a servant to look after the other nuns and ran off to the monastery. Nandā, on her bed, was waiting for him, and he seduced her. Vin.iv.211f.
A Licchavi, who once visited the Buddha at the Kūṭāgārasālā. AN.ii.200
A monk of Ñātikā. The Buddha declared that he died an arahant. DN.ii.191 SN.v.356
An eminent monk who took a prominent part in the Second Council. He lived in Sahajāti, and, on hearing of the heresy of the Vajjiputtakas, retired into solitude in order to decide whether he thought their contentions right. There an inhabitant of the Suddhāvāsā informed him that the Vajjiputtakas were wrong. He was one of the four appointed on behalf of the Pācinakas (Vajjiputtakas) on the committee which discussed the dispute. Vin.ii.302ff.