An old sage held in high esteem for his knowledge. He was one of the originators of the Vedic mantras. Vin.i.245 DN.i.104 MN.ii.164 MN.ii.200
A clan, probably tracing its descent to the sage Vāseṭṭha (Sanskrit Vāsiṣṭha). In the Mahā Parinibbāna Sutta DN.ii.147 DN.ii.159 we find the Mallas of Kusināra addressed as Vāseṭṭhā, as well as the Mallas of Pāvā. DN.iii.209 It was a gotta held in esteem. Vin.iv.8
A young brahmin who, with his friend Bhāradvāja, visited the Buddha and held discussions with him. These discussions are recorded in the Tevijja Sutta, the Vāseṭṭha Sutta, and the Aggañña Sutta. Vāseṭṭha’s first visit to the Buddha was on the occasion of the preaching of the Vāseṭṭha Sutta, at the conclusion of which he accepted the Buddha as his teacher. He again did so, when, at his next visit, the Buddha preached to him the Tevijja Sutta. Soon after, he entered the Order, and the he was taught the Aggañña Sutta.
A lay disciple, evidently distinct from the Vāseṭṭha who became a monk. He visited the Buddha at the Kūṭagārasālā in Vesāli and the Buddha preached to him. AN.iv.258 He is mentioned among the Buddha’s eminent lay disciples. AN.iii.451