Ti-sarana: ‘Threefold Refuge’, in which every faithful adherent of the Buddha puts his whole trust, consists in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha see: prec..
The Buddha, or Enlightened One, is the teacher who by himself has discovered, realized and proclaimed to the world the law of deliverance. The Dhamma is the law of deliverance. The Sangha is the community of the disciples, who have realized or are striving to realize the law of deliverance.
The 3-fold Refuge in Pāli, by the uttering of which one may also outwardly profess one’s faith, is still the same as in the Buddha’s time, namely:
Buddham saranam gacchāmi
Dhammam saranam gacchāmi
Sangham saranam gacchāmiI take refuge in the Buddha!
I take refuge in the Dhamma!
I take refuge in the Sangha!
Literature: The Threefold Refuge by Nyanaponika Thera WHEEL 76. - Devotion in Buddhism WHEEL 18. Going for Refuge, by Bhikkhu Bodhi WHEEL 282/284 - Khp. Tr. pp. 4ff.