adjective = antara, i.e. internal, inner, being within or between; nt. -ṃ the inner part, interior, interval (see [as ˚-](/define/as ˚-)) Vin.i.111 (satt˚ with interval of seven); AN.iv.16 (opp. bāhira); Dhp.394 (id.); Thag.757 (˚âpassaya lying inside); Ja.iii.395 (˚amba the inside of the Mango); Mil.30 (˚e vāyo jivo), Mil.262, Mil.281 (bāhir-abbhantara dhana) Dhp-a.ii.74 (adj. c. gen. being among; variant reading abbhantare). Cases used adverbially: instr. abbhantarena in the meantime in between Dhp-a.ii.59. loc. abbhantare in the midst of, inside of, within (c. gen. or-˚) Ja.i.262 (rañño), Ja.i.280 (tuyhaṃ); Dhp-a.ii.64 (variant reading antare), Dhp-a.ii.92 (sattavass˚); Pv-a.48 (= anto).
abhi + antara; abhi here in directive function = towards the inside, in there, with-in, cp. abhi i.1 a