adjective that which is not being broken up or divided. In the stock descrīption of the varieties of the lower Iddhi the phrase udake pi abhijjamāne gacchati is doubtful. The principal passages are DN.i.78, DN.i.212; DN.iii.112, DN.iii.281; MN.i.34 MN.i.494; MN.ii.18; AN.i.170, AN.i.255; AN.iii.17; AN.v.199; SN.ii.121; SN.v.264 In about half of these passages the reading is abhijjamāno The various rcadings show that the MSS also are equally divided on this point. Bdgh. (Vism.396) reads ˚māne, and explains it, relying on Pts.ii.208, as that sort of water in which a man does not sink. Pv.iii.1#1 has the same idiom. Dhammapāla’s note on that (Pv-a.169) is corrupt. At DN.i.78 the Colombo ed. 1904, reads abhejjamāne and tr. ʻnot dividing (the water)’; at DN.i.212 it reads abhijjamāno and tr. ʻnot sinking (in the water)’.
ppr. passive of a + bhid, see bhindati