talk, phrasing, expression Snp.49 (vācâbhilāpa making phrases, talking, idle or objectionable speech = tiracchanakathā Cnd.561); Iti.89 (? reading abhilāpāyaṃ uncertain, vv.ll. abhipāyaṃ abhipāpāyaṃ abhisāpāyaṃ, abhisapāyaṃ, atisappāyaṃ. The corresp. passage SN.iii.93 reads abhisapayaṃ: curse, and C. on Iti.89 explains abhilāpo ti akkoso, see Brethren 376 n. 1); Dhs.1306 = Cnd.34 (as exegesis or paraphrase of adhivacana combd. with vyañjana & trsl. by Mrs. Rh. D. as “a distinctive mark of discourse”); DN-a.i.20, DN-a.i.23, DN-a.i.281; Dhs-a.51.
fr. abhi + lap