to come by, to attain, to realise grasp, understand (cp. adhigacchati) Mil.214 (catusaccâbhisamayaṃ abhisameti). frequently in combn. abhisambujjhati abhisameti; abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā, e.g. SN.ii.25 SN.iii.139; Kv.321
fut -samessati SN.v.441
aor -samiṃsu Mil.350; -samesuṃ SN.v.415
ger -samecca (for ˚icca under influence of ˚sametvā as caus. form. Trenckner’s expln.Notes 564 is unnecessary & hardly justifiable) SN.v.438 (an˚ by not thoroughly understanding) AN.v.50 (samm’attha˚ through complete realisation of what is proficient); Snp.143 (= abhisamāgantvā Kp-a.236) and -sametvā SN.ii.25; SN.iii.139
pp abhisameta (q.v.).
abhi + sameti, sam + i; in inflexion base is taken partly as ordinary & partly as causative, e.g. aor ˚samiṃsu & ˚samesuṃ, pp. sameta: Sk. samita. Cp. B.Sk abhisamayati, either caus. or denom. formation, Divy.617 caturāryasatyāni a.