- to stand on Ja.iii.278 (ger. ˚āya); Dhp-a.iv.183 (ger ˚hitvā); fig. to insist on Thag.1131 (aor. ˚āhi).
- to concentrate or fix one’s attention on (c. acc.), to direct one’s thoughts to, to make up one’s mind, to wish Vin.i.115 (inf. ˚ṭhātuṃ), Vin.i.297 (id.), Vin.i.125 (grd. ˚ṭhātabba) Ja.i.80 (aor. ˚ahi); Ja.iii.278; Ja.iv.134 (variant reading ati˚ C. explains abhibhavitvā tiṭṭhati); Dhp-a.i.34; Dhp-a.iv.201 (ger. ˚hitvā) Pv-a.23 (aor. ˚ṭhāsi), Pv-a.171 (id.), Pv-a.75 (ger. ˚hitvā). On adhiṭṭheyya see Cpd. 209, n. 2; 219, n. 1.
- to undertake practice, perform, look after, to celebrate SN.ii.17; AN.i.115 sq.; Ja.i.50; Pv-a.209 (ger. ˚ṭhāya)
pp adhiṭṭhita (q.v.).
Sk. adhitiṣṭhati, adhi + sthā