

neuter the sky, Dāvs i.38; Dāvs iv.51; Dāvs v.32
Note. At Ja.v.390 we have to read muraja-ālambara, and not mura-jāla-ambara.

Vedic ambara circumference, horizon


■ nt.) some sort of cloth and an (upper) garment made of it (cp. kambala) Vv.53#7 (ratt˚ = uttariya Vv-a.236).

etym. = ambara1 (?) or more likely a distortion of kambala; for the latter speaks the combn. rattambara = ratta-kambala
■ The word would thus be due to an erroneous syllable division rattak-ambala (ambara) instead of ratta-kambala