
adjective only in phrases rattisu antaraṭṭhakāsu and antaraṭṭhake hima-pātasamaye (in which antara functions as prep. c. loc., according to antara II. b.) i.e. in the nights (& in the time of the falling of snow) between the eighths (i.e. the eighth day before & after the full moon: see aṭṭhaka2) First phrase at Vin.i.31, Vin.i.288; Vin.iii.31; second at MN.i.79 (cp. MN.i.536 where Trenckner divides anta-raṭṭhaka) AN.i.136 (in nom.); Ja.i.390; Mil.396.

antara + aṭṭhaka