
adjective last, final (used almost exclusively with ref. to the last & final reincarnation thus in combn. with deha & sarīra;, the last body) DN.ii.15; Dhp.351; Iti.50 (antimaṃ dehaṃ dhāreti), Iti.53 (id.); Vv.5#12 Snp.478 (sarīraṃ antimaṃ dhāreti) Snp.502; Mil.122, Mil.148; Vv-a.106 (sarīr’ antima-dhārin); Sdhp.278.

  • -dehadhara one who wears his last body Iti.101 (dhāra T, ˚dhara variant reading); Vv-a.163.
  • -dhārin = prec. SN.i.14, SN.i.53 (+ khīṇāsava); SN.ii.278; Iti.32, Iti.40; Snp.471.
  • -vatthu “the last thing”, i.e. the extreme, final or worst (sin) Vin.i.121, Vin.i.135, Vin.i.167, Vin.i.320.
  • -sarīra the last body; (adj.) having ones last rebirth SN.i.210 (Buddho a˚-sarīro); AN.ii.37; Snp.624; Dhp.352, Dhp.400; Dhp-a.iv.166 (= koṭiyaṃ ṭhito attabhāvo).

Cp. superl. of anta