indeclinable prep. inside, either c. acc. denoting direction = into, or c. loc. denoting place where = in. As prefix (˚-) in, within, inside, inner (see compounds)
- prep c. acc. anto nivesanaṃ gata gone into the house Ja.i.158 anto jālaṃ pavisati go into the net Dhp-a.iii.175; anto gāmaṃ pavisati to go into the village Dhp-a.ii.273; anto nagaraṃ pavisati Dhp-a.ii.89; Pv-a.47
- c. loc. anto gabbhe Ja.ii.182; gāme Dhp-a.ii.52; gehe Dhp-a.ii.84 nadiyaṃ; nivesane Ja.ii.323; vasse in the rainy season Ja.iv.242; vimānasmiṃ Pv.i.10#1; sattāhe inside of a week Pv-a.55.
-koṭisanthāra “house of the Golden Pavement” Ja.iv.113
-gadha (˚gata? Kern
) in phrase ˚hetu, by inner reason or by reason of its intensity Pv-a.10; Vv-a.12
-jana “the inside people”, i.e. people belonging to the house, the family (= Lat. familia) DN.iii.61 (opp. to servants); AN.i.152;; DN-a.i.300.
-jāla the inside of the net, the net Dhp-a.iv.41.
-jālikata “in-netted”, gone into the net DN.i.45; DN-a.i.127.
-nijjhāna inner conflagration Pv-a.18.
-nimugga altogether immersed DN.i.75; AN.iii.26.
-parisoka inner grief Pts.i.38.
-pura = antepura Ja.i.262.
-mano “turning ones mind inside”, thoughtful melancholy Vin.iii.19.
-bhavika being inside Mil.95
-rukkhatā being among trees Ja.i.7.
-vasati to inhabit live within SN.iv.136.
-vaḷañjanaka (parijana) indoorpeople Ja.v.118.
-vassa the rainy season (lit. the interval of the r. s.) Vv-a.66.
-vihāra the inside of the V. Dhp-a.i.50 (˚âbhimukhī turning towards etc.),
-samorodha barricading within Dhs.1157 (so read for anta˚, cp. Dhs trsl. 311).
-soka inner grief Pts.i.38.
Sk. antaḥ; Av antarə Lat. inter, Oir. etar between, Ohg. untar; Idg. *entar, compar. of *en (in) inner, inside