
orig. meaning “experience, concomitance” and found only in compounds as-˚, in meaning “experiencing the sensation of or belonging to, experience of, accordance with”, e.g. maha˚ sensation of greatness rājâ˚ s. belonging to a king, what is in accordance with kingship, i.e. majesty. Through preponderance of expressions of distinction there arises the meaning of anubhāva as “power, majesty, greatness, splendour etc.” & as such it was separated from the 1st component and taken as ānubhāva with ā instead of a, since the compositional character had obliterated the character of the a. As such (ānubhāva abs.) found only in later language

  1. anubhāva (-˚): mahānubhāva (of) great majesty, eminence power SN.i.146 sq.; SN.ii.274; SN.iv.323; Snp.p.93; Pv.ii.1#12 Pv-a.76. deva˚; of divine power or majesty DN.ii.12; devatā˚; id. Ja.i.168; dibba˚; id. Pv-a.71, Pv-a.110. rājā˚; kingly splendour, pomp DN.i.49; Ja.iv.247; Pv-a.279 etc. -anubhāvena (instr -˚) in accordance with, by means of Ja.ii.200 (angavijjā˚); Pv-a.53 (iddh˚), Pv-a.77 (kamma˚), Pv-a.148 (id.), Pv-a.162 (rāja˚), Pv-a.184 (dāna˚), Pv-a.186 (puñña˚). yathānubhāvaṃ (adv.) in accordance with (me), as much as (1 can); after ability, according to power SN.i.31; Vv.1#5 (yathābalaṃ Vv-a.25)
  2. ānubhāva majesty power magnificence, glory, splendour Ja.v.10, Ja.v.456; Pv.ii.8#11 Vv-a.14; Pv-a.43, Pv-a.122, Pv-a.272. See also ānu˚.

fr. anubhavati