
forest DN.i.71; MN.i.16; MN.iii.104; SN.i.4, SN.i.7, SN.i.29, SN.i.181, SN.i.203 (mahā); AN.i.60 (˚vanapatthāni); AN.ii.252; AN.iii.135, AN.iii.138; Snp.39, Snp.53, Snp.119; Dhp.99, Dhp.329, Dhp.330; Iti.90; Vv.56#7; Pts.i.176 [The commentators, give a wider meaning to the word Thus the O. C. (Vin.iii.46, quoted Vism.72 & Snp-a.83 says every place, except a village and the approach thereto, is arañña. See also Vin.iii.51; DN-a.i.209; Pv-a.73; Vv-a.249; Ja.i.149, Ja.i.215; Ja.ii.138; Ja.v.70].

  • -āyatana a forest haunt Vin.ii.201; SN.ii.269; Ja.i.173; Vv-a.301; Pv-a.54, Pv-a.78, Pv-a.141.
  • -kuṭikā a hut in the forest a forest lodge SN.i.61; SN.iii.116; SN.iv.116, SN.iv.380; Dhp-a.iv.31 (as variant reading; T. has ˚kuṭi).
  • -gata gone into the forest (as loneliness) MN.i.323; AN.iii.353; AN.v.109 sq., AN.v.207, AN.v.323 sq
  • -ṭhāna a place in the forest Ja.i.253.
  • -vāsa a dwelling in the forest, a hermitage Ja.i.90.
  • -vihāra living in (the loneliness (of the forest) AN.iii.343 sq.

Vedic araṇya; from araṇa, remote, + ya. In the Rig V. araṇya still means remoteness (opp. to amā at home). In the Ath V. it has come to mean wilderness or forest. Connected with ārād and āre, remote, far from