
indeclinable exclam. of astonishment & excitement: he! hallo I say!, implying an imprecation: Away with you (with voc.) Ja.i.225 (dāsiputta-ceṭaka); Ja.iv.391 (duṭṭha-caṇḍāla) DN-a.i.265 (= re); Vv-a.68 (dubbinī), Vv-a.217 (“how in the world”).

onomat. Cp. Sk. lalallā, Gr. λαλέω, Lat. lallo = E. lull, Ger. lallen & without redupl. Ags. holā Ger. halloh, E. lo. An abbrev. form of are is re. Cf. also alālā