

that which has been taken up, assumed. atta-daṇḍa, he who has taken a stick in hand, a violent person, SN.i.236; SN.iv.117; Snp.630, Snp.935; Dhp.406. Attañjaha, rejecting what had been assumed, Snp.790. Attaṃ pahāya Snp.800. The opp is niratta, that which has not been assumed, has been thrown off, rejected. The Arahant has neither atta nor niratta (Snp.787, Snp.858, Snp.919), neither assumption nor rejection he keeps an open mind on all speculative theories See Mnd.82, Mnd.90, Mnd.107, Mnd.352; Cnd.271; Snp-a.523; Dhp-a.iv.180 for the traditional exegesis. As legal t. t. attādānaṃ ādīyati is to take upon oneself the conduct, before the Chapter, of a legal point already raised. Vin.ii.247 (quoted Vin.v.91).

ā + d + ta; that is, pp. of ādadāti with the base form reduced to d. Idg *d-to; cp. Sk. ātta


see attan.


see upatta.

Sk. akta, pp. of añjati