neuter an open space, a clearing, Vin.ii.218; Ja.i.109 (= manussānan sañcaraṇa-ṭṭhāne anāvaṭe bhūmibhāge C.); Ja.ii.243, Ja.ii.290 Ja.ii.357; Dāvs i.27
■ cetiy˚; an open space before a Chaitya Mil.366, DN-a.i.191, DN-a.i.197; Vv-a.254. rāj˚; the empty space before the king’s palace, the royal square Ja.i.124 Ja.i.152; Ja.ii.2; Dhp-a.ii.45.
- -ṭṭhāna a clearing (in a wood or park) Ja.i.249, Ja.i.421
- -pariyanta the end or border of a clearing Ja.ii.200.
cp. Sk. angaṇa & ˚na; to anga?
a speck or freckle (on the face) AN.v.92, AN.v.94 sq. (+ raja) Usually in neg. anaṅgana (adj.) free from fleck or blemish clear, (of the mind) (opp. sângana Snp.279); DN.i.76; MN.i.24 sq.; MN.i.100 (+ raja); AN.ii.211; Snp.517 (+ vigata raja = angaṇānan abhāvā malānañ ca vigamā… Snp-a.427), Snp.622 = Dhp.125 (= nikkilesa Dhp-a.iii.34); Dhp.236 Dhp.351; Pp.60; Ne.87.
prob. to anj, thus a variant of añjana, q.v.