adjective small, minute, atomic, subtle (opp. thūla, q.v.) DN.i.223; SN.i.136; SN.v.96 (˚bīja); Snp.299 (anuto aṇuṃ gradually); Ja.iii.12 (= appamattaka); Ja.iv.203; Dhs.230, Dhs.617 (= kisa); Thag-a.173; Mil.361. Note aṇu is freq. spelt anu, thus usually in cpd. ˚matta.
- -thūla (aṇuṃthūla) fine and coarse, small & large Dhp.31 (= mahantañ ca khuddakañ ca Dhp-a.i.282), Dhp.409 = Snp.633; Ja.iv.192; Dhp-a.iv.184.
- -matta of small size, atomic least Snp.431; Vb.244, Vb.247 (cp. MN.iii.134; AN.ii.22) Dpvs.iv.20. The spelling is anumatta at DN.i.63 = Iti.118; Dhp.284; DN-a.i.181; Sdhp.347.
- -sahagata accompanied by a minimum of, i.e. residuum Kv.81, cp. Kv trsl. 66 n. 3.
Sk. aṇu; as to etym. see Walde Lat. Wtb. under ulna. See also āṇi