

  1. bond, fetter Iti.56 (abandho Mārassa, not a victim of M.) Mnd.328 (taṇhā˚, diṭṭhi˚); Thag-a.241.
  2. one who binds or ties together, in assa˚; horsekeeper, groom Ja.ii.98; Ja.v.441, Ja.v.449; Dhp-a.i.392.
  3. a sort of binding maṇḍala˚; with a circular b. (parasol) Vin.iv.338 salāka˚; with a notched b. ibid.
  4. a halter, tether Dpvs.i.76

■ Cp. vinibandha.

cp. Vedic bandha, fr. bandh