bhavana dwelling, sphere, world, realm SN.i.206, Snp.810 (see expln Mnd.132: nerayikānaṃ nirayo bh. etc. & Snp-a.534: niray’ ādi-bhede bhavane); Mnd.448 (Inda˚ the realm of Indra); Ja.iii.275 (nāga˚ the world of the Nāgas). fr. bhū
dwelling, sphere, world, realm SN.i.206, Snp.810 (see expln Mnd.132: nerayikānaṃ nirayo bh. etc. & Snp-a.534: niray’ ādi-bhede bhavane); Mnd.448 (Inda˚ the realm of Indra); Ja.iii.275 (nāga˚ the world of the Nāgas). fr. bhū