- broken, broken up (lit. & fig.) Snp.770 (nāvā); Ja.i.98 (abhinna magga an unbroken path); Ja.iii.167 (uda-kumbha); Pv-a.72 (˚sarīra-cchavi)
- (fig.) split, fallen into dissension, not agreeing DN.iii.117 = DN.iii.210, DN.iii.171
■ Usually in compounds, & often to be translated by prep. “without,” e.g. bhinnahirottappa without shame
■ Cp. sam˚
- -ājīva without subsistence, one who has little means to live on, one who leads a poor mode of living Mil.229 sq. (opp. parisuddh’ ājīva); Vism.306
- -nāva ship-wreeked Ja.iv.159.
- -paṭa a torn cloth, in cpd. ˚dhara “wearing a patchwork cloth,” i.e. a bhikkhu (see also s. v. bhikkhu) Thag.1092.
- -plava ship-wrecked Ja.iii.158.
- -manta disobeying (i.e. breaking) a counsel
- -sira with a broken head Ja.iv.251.
- -sīmā (f.) one who has broken the bounds (of decency) Mil.122.
- -sīla one who has broken the norm of good conduct Vism.56.
- -hirottappa without shame, shameless Ja.i.207.
pp. of bhindati