- anything to carry, a load Vin.iii.278 (Bdhgh; dāru˚ a load of wood) bhāraṃ vahati to carry a load AN.i.84; Vv-a.23
■ garu˚ a heavy load, as “adj.” “carrying a heavy load” Ja.v.439 (of a woman, = pregnant)
■ bhāratara (adj. compar.) forming a heavier load Mil.155
■ Cp. ati˚; sam˚. - a load, cartload (as measure of quantity Vv-a.12 (saṭṭhi-sakaṭa˚-parimāṇa); Pv-a.102 (aneka˚parimāṇa).
- (fig.) a difficult thing, a burden or duty i.e. a charge, business, office, task, affair Vism.375; Ja.i.292; Ja.ii.399; Ja.iv.427;; Dhp-a.i.6, Dhp-a.i.111. Several bhārā or great tasks are mentioned exemplifying the meaning of “gambhīra” & “duddasa” (saccāni) at Vb-a.141, viz. mahā-samuddaṃ manthetvā ojāya nīharaṇaṃ; Sineru-pādato vālikāya uddharaṇaṃ; pabbataṃ pīḷetvā rasassa nīharaṇaṃ.
- (fig.) in metaphors for the burden of (the factors of renewed) existence (the khandhas and similar agents). Esp. in phrase panna-bhāra “one whose load (or burden) has been laid down,” one who has attained Arahantship MN.i.139; AN.iii.84; SN.i.233; Dhp.402 (= ohita-khandha-bhāra Dhp-a.iv.168); Snp.626 (same expln at Snp-a.467), Snp.914 (explained as patita-bhāra, oropita˚, nikkhitta˚ Mnd.334 where 3 bhāras in this sense are distinguished, viz khandha˚, kilesa˚, abhisankhāra˚); Thag.1021. So at Vism.512 with ref. to the ariya-saccāni, viz. bhāro dukkha-saccaṃ, bhār’ ādānaṃ = samuda-saccaṃ, bhāranikkhepanaṃ = nirodha-s., bhāra-nikkhepan’upāya magga-s
■ On bhāra in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 118.
- -ādāna the taking up of a burden SN.iii.25
- -(m)oropana “laying down the load,” i.e. delivery of a pregnant woman Bv.ii.115.
- -ṭṭha contained in a load carried as a burden Vin.iii.47.
- -nikkhepana the laying down or taking off of a burden SN.iii.25.
- -mocana delivery (of a pregnant woman) Ja.i.19.
- -vāhin “burdenbearer,” one who carries an office or has a responsibility AN.iv.24 (said of a bhikkhu).
- -hāra load-carrier, burdenbearer SN.iii.25 sq.
fr. bhṛ; Vedic bhāra; cp. bhara