being, becoming, condition, nature; very rarely by itself (only in later & C. literature, as e.g. Ja.i.295 thīnaṃ bhāvo, perhaps best to be translated as “women’s character,” taking bhāva = attabhāva); usually -˚, denoting state or condition of, and representing an abstr. der. from the first part of the cpd. e.g. gadrabha˚ ʻasininity’ Ja.ii.109 Thus in connection with
- adjectives: atthika˚; state of need Pv-a.120; ūna˚; depletion Snp-a.463; ekī˚; loneliness Vism.34; sithill˚; (for sithila˚ in conn. with kṛ bhū) relaxation Vism.502
- adverbs. upari˚; high condition MN.i.45; pātu˚; appearance Snp.560; vinā˚ difference Snp.588.
- nouns & noun-derivations: atta˚ individual state, life, character Snp.388 (= citta Snp-a.374) asaraṇa˚; state of not remembering Dhp-a.iii.121; samaṇa˚ condition of a recluse Snp.551
- forms of verbs: nibbatta˚; fact of being reborn Dhp-a.iii.121; magg ārūḷha˚; the condition of having started on one’s way Vv-a.64; baddha˚; that he was bound; suhita˚; that they were well Ja.iv.279. The translation can give either a full sentence with “that it was” etc. (Vv-a.64 “that he had started on his way”), or a phrase like “the fact or state of,” or use as an English abstract noun ending in -ness (atthika-bhāva needfulness, eki loneliness), -ion (ūna˚ depletion, pātu˚ manifestation) -hood (atta˚ selfhood), or -ship (samaṇa˚ recluseship). Similarly in Com. style: sampayutta- bhāvo (m.) Dhp-a.iii.94, for *sampayuttattaṃ (abstr.); bhākuṭikassa bhāvo = bhakuṭiyaṃ Vism.26; sovacassassa bhāvo sovacassatā Kp-a.148; mittassa bh. = mettaṃ Kp-a.248 Here sometimes bhava for bhāva.
(in pregnant specifically Buddhistic sense) cultivation or production by thought, mental condition, esp. a set mental condition (see der. bhāvanā). Sometimes (restricted to Vin J) in sense “thinking of someone,” i.e. affection, love sentiment
- in combination khanti, diṭṭhi, ruci, bhāva at Vin.ii.205; Vin.iii.93; Vin.iv.3, Vin.iv.4
- in Jātaka passages Ja.v.237; (bhāvaṃ karoti, with loc., to love)- abhāva (late, only in C. style) not being, absence want Pv-a.25; abl. abhāvato through not being, in want of Pv-a.9, Pv-a.17
■ sabhāva (sva + bhāva) see sep.
fr. bhū, cp. Vedic bhāva