

adjective one whose attan (ātman) is bhāvita, i.e. well trained or composed Attan here = citta (as Pv-a.139), thus “self-composed well-balanced” AN.iv.26; Snp.277, Snp.322, Snp.1049; Dhp.106 Dhp.107; Cnd.142; Cnd.475 B (indriyāni bh.); Ja.ii.112 (˚bhāvanāya when the training of thought is perfect) Vism.185 (˚bhāvana, adj. one of well-trained character), Vism.267, Vism.400 (+ bahulī-kata); Dhp-a.i.122 (a˚); Thag-a.164 (indriya˚). See foll.

bhāvita + attan


neuter only neg. a˚ the fact of not developing or cultivating SN.iii.153 SN.iii.475; Pv.ii.9#66.

abstr. fr. bhāvita = *bhāvitattvaṃ