Bhūmaka & ˚ika
(adj.) (only-˚)
- having floors or stories (of buildings) as dve˚ pāsāda Dhp-a.i.414; pañca˚; pāsāda a palace with 5 stories Ja.i.58, Ja.i.89; satta˚; with 7 stories (pāsāda) Dhp-a.ii.1, Dhp-a.ii.260. The form -ika at Dhp-a.i.182 (dve˚ geha).
- belonging to a place or district, as jāti˚ from the land of (their) birth MN.i.147; pacchā˚; from the western country SN.iv.312 (brāhmaṇā).
- being on a certain plane or in a certain state, as paritta˚ & mahā˚; Vb.340 te˚; in 3 planes Snp-a.4 (of the 5 Khandhas), Snp-a.510 (˚vaṭṭa); Dhp-a.i.36 (kusala), Dhp-a.i.305 (˚vaṭṭa); Dhp-a.iv.69 (tebhūmaka-vaṭṭa-sankhātaṃ Māra-bandhanaṃ), Dhp-a.iv.72 (dhammā) catu˚; in 4 planes Dhs-a.296 (kusala); Dhp-a.i.35 (citta) The form -ika at Dhp-a.i.288 (with ref. to citta).
from bhūma, or bhūmi