

feminine (supreme knowledge, enlightenment, the knowledge possessed by a Buddha (see also sambodhi & sammā-sambodhi) MN.i.356; MN.ii.95 = DN.iii.237 (saddho hoti, saddahati Tathāgatassa bodhiṃ); DN.iii.159 (anuttaraṃ pappoti bodhiṃ), DN.iii.165 (id.); SN.i.103, SN.i.196; SN.v.197 sq.; AN.ii.66; Vb-a.310 (def.). Bodhi consists of 7 elements called bojjhaṅgā or sambojjhaṅgā, and is attained by the accomplishment of the perfections called bodhi-pācanā dhammā (see under compounds & cp. bodhi-pakkhiya-dhammā). The Buddha is said to have found the Path followed by former Buddhas, who “catusu satipaṭṭhānesu supatiṭṭhitacittā satta-bojjhange yathābhūtaṃ bhāvetvā anuttaraṃ sammā-sambodhiṃ abhisambujjhiṃsu” SN.v.160. The moment of supreme enlightenment is the moment when the Four Truths (ariya-saccāni) are grasped SN.v.423 Bodhi is used to express the lofty knowledge of an ascetic (Bodhi-paribbājaka Np. Ja.v.229 sq.), and the stage of enlightenment of the Paccekabuddha (paccekabodhi Ja.iii.348; pacceka-bodhi-ñāṇa Ja.iv.114; paccekasambodhi Snp-a.73), as distinguished from sammāsambodhi

-ṭṭhāna the state of Bodhi, state of enlightenment Dpvs.25. -pakkhika = pakkhiya (& pakkhika;, e.g. AN.iii.70 = AN.iii.300; Thag.900; cp. bodha˚) belonging to enlightenment, usually referred to as the 37 bodhipakkhiyā dhammā qualities or items constituting or contributing to Bodhi, which are the same as enumerated under bojjhanga (q.v.). They are enumerated & discussed at Vism.678 sq. and mentioned at many other passages of the Abhidhamma, e.g. Vb.244, Vb.249; Ne.31, Ne.197 Ne.240, Ne.261; and in the Commentaries, e.g. Ja.i.275 Ja.iii.290; Ja.v.483; Dhp-a.i.230. When they are increased to 43 they include the above with the addition of aniccasaññā; dukkha˚, anatta˚, pahāna˚, virāga˚, nirodhasaññā thus at Ne.112, Ne.237. In the older texts we do not find any numbered lists of the b- p- dhammā. At AN.iii.70 only indriyesu guttadvāratā, bhojane mattaññutā and jāgariy’ ânuyoga are mentioned in connection with bodhipakkhikā dhammā in general At SN.v.227, SN.v.239 sq. (so read in Vb preface xiv. for 327 337!) the term is applied to the 5 indriyas: saddh indriyaṃ, viriy˚, sati˚, samādhi˚, paññ˚. A more detailed discussion of the bodhi-p-dhammā and their mention in the Piṭakas is found in Mrs. Rh. D.’s preface to the Vb edition, pp. xiv–xvi. Of BSk. passage may be mentioned Divy.350 (saptatriṃśad-bodhi-pakṣān dharmān amukhī-kṛtya pratyekāṃ bodhiṃ sākṣātkṛtavantah) & Divy.616 (bodhipakṣāṃs tān dharmān Bhagavān saṃprakāśayati sma).; -paripāka the maturing of enlightenment Vism.116. -pācana ripening of knowledge (of a Buddha); adj. leading to enlightenment Bv.ii.121 sq.; Cp.i.1#1 (cp. Ja.i.22). It is a late term The b. dhammā are the 10 perfections (pāramiyo), i.e. dāna˚, sīla˚, nekkhamma˚, paññā˚, viriya˚, khanti˚; sacca˚, adhiṭṭhāna˚, mettā˚, upekhā˚.

  1. a “bodhi-being,” i.e. a being destined to attain fullest enlightenment or Buddhaship. A Bodhisatta passes through many existences & many stages of progress before the last birth in which he fulfils his great destiny The “amhākaṃ Bodhisatto,” or “our Bodhisatta” of the Buddhist Texts (e.g. Vism.419 (imasmiṃ kappe ayam eva Bhagavā Bodhisatta-bhūto); DN-a.i.259 refers to Gotama, whose previous existences are related in the Jātaka collection. These tales illustrate the wisdom & goodness of the future Buddha, whether as an animal, a god, or a human being. In his last existence before attaining Buddhahood he is a man. Reference is made to a Bodhisatta or; the B. at very many places throughout the Canon. See e.g. MN.i.17, MN.i.163 MN.i.240; SN.ii.5; SN.iii.27; SN.iv.233; SN.v.263, SN.v.281, SN.v.317; AN.ii.130 AN.iii.240; AN.iv.302, AN.iv.439; Vism.15, Vism.116, Vism.499; Snp-a.52 (pacceka˚), Snp-a.67, Snp-a.72
  2. Name of the author of a Pali grammar used by Kaccāyana (not extant): see Windisch, Proceedings of XIVth Or. Congress, Vol. i.290. -sambhāra (pl.) conditions (lit. materials) necessary for the attainment of bodhi Ja.i.1;; Mbvs.12.

fr. budh, cp. Vedic bodhin-manas having an attentive mind; RV v.75, 5; viii.82, 18


the tree of wisdom, the sacred Bo tree, the fig tree (Assattha, Ficus religiosa) under which Gotama Buddha arrived at perfect knowledge. The tree is near the spot where Buddhagāya is now, about 60 miles fr. Patna. It is regarded by pilgrims as the centre of the world (cp. pathavī-nābhi mahā-bodhimaṇḍo Mbvs.79). It is also spoken of as Mahābodhi (e.g. Ja.iv.228; Vism.403)
■ Vism.72, Vism.299, Vism.342; Dhp-a.i.105; Thag-a.62; Vb-a.473.

  • -aṅgaṇa the courtyard in which the Bo tree stands DN-a.i.191; Vism.188 (˚vatta); Vb-a.349.
  • -tala “Bodhifoundation,” i.e. the place or ground of the B. tree otherwise bodhi-maṇḍa Ja.i.105; Mhbv.9; Dhp-a.i.117
  • -pakka fruit of the Bo tree Ja.iv.229.
  • -pādapa the Bodhi tree Mbhv.1.
  • -pūjā veneration of, or offerings to the Bo tree Mhbv.81.
  • -maṇḍa (for ˚maṇḍala) the ground under the Bodhi tree, hence the spot (or “throne”), on which the Buddha was seated at the time of attaining highest enlightenment. The term is only found in very late canonical and post-canonical literature. Bv.ii.65, Bv.ii.183; Vism.203; Ja.iv.228, Ja.iv.232 Mhbv.79; Snp-a.2, Snp-a.30, Snp-a.225, Snp-a.258, Snp-a.281, Snp-a.340, Snp-a.391, Snp-a.441; Dhp-a.i.86; Dhp-a.ii.69; Dhp-a.iv.72; Thag-a.2. Cp. BSk. bodhimaṇḍa Divy.392.
  • -maha feast in honour of the Bo tree Ja.iv.229
  • -mūla the root or foot of the Bo tree Snp-a.32, Snp-a.391; cp Bodhiyā mūle Mnd.172, Mnd.458 = Pts.i.174.
  • -rukkha the Bodhi tree Vin.i.1.

= bodhi1