- (adj.) going, moving, being like, behaving (-˚); Mil.92 (rāgac˚ = ratta); Vism.105, Vism.114 (rāga˚, dosa˚, moha˚ etc.).
- (nt.) action, behaviour, living Dhp.330 (ekassa c. living alone); Pts.i.124; Mil.178. See also carati 1b, 2b. Esp. freq. with su˚ and duc˚: good, right proper or (nt.) good action, right conduct & the opposite; e.g. sucarita Dhp.168, Dhp.231; Pv-a.12, Pv-a.71, Pv-a.120 duccarita AN.i.146; AN.ii.85, AN.ii.141; AN.iii.267, AN.iii.352; DN.iii.111 DN.iii.214; Dhp.169, Snp.665; Pv.i.9#4 (˚ṃ caritvā), etc See also kāya˚ vacī˚ mano˚ under kāya.
pp. of cāreti, see cara & carati