
the (outer thin) skin, tegument SN.ii.256; AN.iv.129; Snp.194; Ja.ii.92 Distinguished from camma, the hide (under-skin corium) SN.ii.238 (see camma); also in combination ch-cammamaṃsa Vism.235; Dhp-a.iv.56.

  • -kalyāṇa beauty of complexion, one of the 5 beauties (see kalyāṇa 2d) Dhp-a.i.387;
  • -dos’-ābādha a skin disease, cutaneous irritation Vin.i.206;
  • -roga skin disease Dhp-a.iii.295;
  • -vaṇṇa the colour of the skin, the complexion, esp. beautiful compl., beauty Vin.i.8; Ja.iii.126; Dhp-a.iv.72; Pv-a.14 (vaṇṇadhātu), Pv-a.70, Pv-a.71 (= vaṇṇa).

*(s)qeu to cover. Vedic chavi, skuṇāti; cp. Gr. σκϋλον; Lat. ob-scurus; Ohg. skūra (Nhg. scheuer) Ags scēo → E. sky also Goth. skōhs → E. shoe