
practice, proceeding, manner of acting, conduct Ja.i.90, Ja.i.367; Ja.ii.277 (loka˚); Ja.v.285 (vanka˚); Mil.133; Vv-a.31
cārittaṃ āpajjati to mix with, to call on, to have intercourse with (c. loc. MN.i.470; SN.ii.270 (kulesu); MN.i.287 = MN.iii.40 (kāmesu) Ja.iii.46 (rakkhita-gopitesu).

  • -vāritta manner of acting & avoiding Ja.iii.195, cp Thag.591; Vism.10. See on their mutual relation Vism.11;
  • -sīla code of morality Vv-a.37.

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