
  1. a yoke, a pole, the shaft of a carriage Ja.i.192 (purima-sakaṭa˚) Ja.i.196; Cp.ii.8, Cp.ii.4.
  2. (fig.) a burden, load, charge, office, responsibility Snp.256 (vahanto porisaṃ dh ˚ṃ “carrying a human yoke” = purisânucchavikā bhārā Snp-a.299), Snp.694 (asama˚ one who has to bear a heavy burden = asamaviriya Snp-a.489); Dhp-a.ii.97 (sama˚) dve dhurāni two burdens (viz. gantha˚ & vipassanā study & contemplation) Dhp-a.i.7; Dhp-a.iv.37; asamadhura Ja.i.193; Ja.vi.330. Three dhurā are enumerated at Ja.iv.242 as saddhā˚, sīla˚, and paññā˚
    ■ Sdhp.355 (saddhā˚), Sdhp.392 (+ viriya), Sdhp.413 (paññā˚) dh ˚ṃ nikkhipati to take off the yoke, to put down a burden, to give up a charge or renounce a responsibility (see ˚*nikkhepa*): nikkhittadhura AN.i.71; AN.ii.148; AN.iii.65, AN.iii.108, AN.iii.179 sq.; ; SN.v.197 SN.v.225; Cnd.131; Snp-a.236 (= dhuravant).
  3. the forepart of anything, head, top, front; fig. chief, leader leading part. nāvāya dh. the forecastle of a ship Ja.iii.127 = Ja.iv.142; dh-vāta head wind Ja.i.100; ekaṃ dh ˚ṃ nīharati to set aside a foremost part DN-a.i.135.
  4. the far end, either as top or beginning Ja.iii.216 (yāva dh-sopānā); Ja.iv.265 (dh- sopānaṃ katvā making the staircase end); Ja.v.458 (magga-dhure ṭhatvā standing on the far end or other side of the road, i.e. opposite gloss BB maggantare); Vv-a.44 (dh-gehassa dvāre at the door of the top house of the village, i.e. the first or last house).
  • -gāma a neighbouring village (literally the first v. that one meets) Ja.i.8 Ja.i.237 Ja.iv.243 Dhp-a.iii.414
  • -dhorayha a yoked ox SN.i.173 = Snp.79 (viriyam me dh-dh ˚ṁ) Snp-a.150
  • -nikkhepa the putting down of the yoke, the giving up of one’s office Ja.iii.243 Vism.413
  • -bhatta a meal where a monk is invited as leader of other monks who likewise take part in it Ja.i.449 variant reading (for dhuva˚) Ja.iii.97 (variant reading dhuva˚); Vism.66
  • -yotta yoke-tie, i.e. the tie fastening the yoke to the neck of the ox Ja.i.192 Ja.vi.253
  • -vahana bearing a burden (cp. dhorayha) Dhp-a.iii.472
  • -vihāra a neighbouring monastery (cp. ˚gāma Ja.i.23 Ja.iv.243 Dhp-a.i.126 (proper name); Dhp-a.iii.224 (identical)
  • -sampaggāha “a solid grip of the burden” (Mrs. Rhys Davids) Dhs.13 Dhs.22 etc. (opposite nikkhepa)
  • -ssaha enduring one’s yoke Thag.659 cp. dhuratā

Sk. dhur f. & dhura m.